The Maintenance Status dashboard under the Dashboards menu tab is one of the primary locations to find real-time dispatch information for your site. This screen provides access to such helpful summary Maintenance information such as % of on-time PMs, Spares Spend, Machine Downtime, Work Order Trend, Average Response Time, and Maintenance Time Estimate vs Actual.
when first accessing this dashboard, there is a timer in the upper right of the screen that shows when the data refresh will occur, which is scheduled for every 10 minutes. The screen additionally rotates between the card views; the frequency of this can be adjusted under the Filters (selectors) icon. The view options at the top include 8 Hour, 12 Hours, 24 Hours, Today, Week To Date, and 1 Month. The 1 Month timeframe is a running 30 days.
The On-Time PMs from the left menu on the Dashboard shows the percent of PMs performed on time with an (Indicator of Green/Yellow/Red) and a trending indicator (Up/Down). This will display the Schedule Dashboard to the right, which includes cards with the number of Open On Time/Past Due and the number of Completed On Time/Past Due. Below the Schedule Dashboard is the Open PMs list view with the dispatch number, which is a link to the dispatch, area, line, machine, due date, and description. If you notice any differences between On-time PMs on the Maintenance Dashboard and the On-Time PM Completion on the Home Page widget, this may be because: (1) the Dashboard is pulling data from scheduled events with dispatch types that have Impact to Production set to Planned Work (Blue) and on Production Machines while the Home Page widget looks at ALL scheduled events, and (2) the Dashboard timeframe of 1M is for a running 30 days, while the Home Page widget is a Month to Date measure.
The Spares Spend card is next down on the left side; this shows the total spend for the date range and a trending indicator (Up/Down). In the main portion of the screen, it displays the Spares Cost Trend Chart view for the chosen timeframe and the Top Spares Cost list including Part, Quantity, and Cost.
The next tile selector is the Work Order Trend card. This shows the Percentage of On-Time Work Orders with a trending indicator (Up/Down), which includes the cards for Open, Completed, and Backlogged Work Orders in the Dashboard body. Backlog represents the number of work orders that have a scheduled date that is null or schedule date in the future. The Work order Trend Report is also included, which plots the Completed, Scheduled, and Created trend lines for the selected time frame; as well as the Open Work Orders List view which displays the dispatch number with link to the dispatch, Area, Line, Machine, Due Date, and Description.
Further down the list is the OA card with the trending indicator (Up/Down). If you are using L2L's Production module this shows (Planned Production Minutes - Production Downtime Minutes) / Planned Production Minutes * 100. If you aren't using our Production module, you're OA is based on the Resource Shift that is set up for your site (Available Shift Minutes - Downtime Minutes)/ Avaiable Shift Minutes *100.
The main body of the screen includes three cards showing the top 10 Areas, Lines, and Machines for production downtime data. Below the cards is the list view for open dispatches including the dispatch number with a link to the dispatch, Area, Line, Machine, Down Time, and Description.
Below the Downtime card is the Average Response Time card, including the trending indicator for down and impacting dispatches. Each widget includes the Average Response minutes, Threshold, and % of Down Time by Dispatch Type; only dispatch types with Impact to Production of Down (Red) or Impacting (Yellow) are included. Thresholds can be adjusted by Dispatch in the Dispatch Type setup. The % Down Time is calculated as Total Response Time / Total Downtime for included dispatches; therefore, a value of 100% would indicate that the full downtime connected to the Dispatch Type is time waiting for a resource to respond. Beneath the Dispatch Type widgets is the Average Response Time Trend graph; the timeframe for this chart is determined by the view options at the top of the screen. Lastly is the Open Dispatches list view including the dispatch number with a link to the dispatch, Area, Line, Machine, Response Time, and Description.
The bottom card on the dashboard is the Maintenance Time Estimated vs Actual card, which shows the Estimated/Actual hours with the trending indicator. This shows an Estimated Hours vs Actual Hours widget on the right as well as a graphical view. The related Open Dispatches (Note: Dispatch Type must be Planned and have launched from the Scheduler) list view is also included, including the dispatch number with a link to the dispatch, Area, Line, Machine, Est. Vs Actual hours, and Description.