Dispatch Portal Overview
The dispatches are listed in card view. Click anywhere on the Dispatch preview Card to open an individual Dispatch for additional details. The + sign will let you know it is in the collapsed view.
Note: You can select specific options to see in the collapsed view by using the Options in the upper right corner.
Details, Dispatch Questions, Spares, Documents, etc., have been color-coded by tab for clarity and quick visual awareness. Red! = something is required to close the Dispatch; Gray = no details or info for that tab; Blue! = 1) details have been added, or 2) a required task is complete.
When viewing the Main Dispatch Portal Page you will notice by clicking on the line, this will bring you to the line history page.
The Calendar Icon and date on a dispatch card will show if there is a scheduled date set. (Of note, scheduled dates are only set by planners, managers, or work order schedulers)
By clicking on the machine within the dispatch card you will now be brought to the Machine Dashboard.
Dashboard view:
Dispatch Portal - View Machine View History
In the new Dispatch portal, you will now see dispatches listed in a card view.
When viewing in the expanded card view you will notice a Details tab which provides all the background information for the dispatch. Here you are able to update common dispatch properties such as Area, Line, Machine, Tooling, Dispatch Type, Status, Trade, Reason, and Product or enter a description. You can also edit the due date and see if there have been notifications sent.
If you see the Details tab Red= this means something is required to close the Dispatch.
Questions Tab
When viewing in the expanded card view you will notice a ? icon next to details.
If the ? icon has a RED !, this means there are dispatch questions related to the dispatch that need to be answered. By clicking on the icon, the dispatch questions will show directly below.
Documents Tab
The Documents tab includes all documents associated with the Dispatch: attachments as well as Document links and Checklists. You immediately know if the Checklist is complete.
When viewing in the expanded card view you will notice a tab. When you select this it will show all documents related to a dispatch visible all on one screen! You will also have the option to add a document to the dispatch here as well.
If the document tab has a RED !, this means there are documents or checklists that need to be completed.
You will also notice there is a section that shows the status of the checklists as well, which helps track open/closed checklists.
Resources Tab
When viewing in the expanded card view you will notice a Person Icon. By clicking on this, you can easily see who is assigned, has been dispatched, or is currently dispatched, as well as who submitted the request.
Easily see who is assigned, has been dispatched or is currently dispatched, as well as who submitted the request.
This tab will also have +Dispatched and +Assigned buttons to add resources and a Resource Time link.
Actions/Components Tab
The Dispatch Portal has the ability to suggest fixes for your technicians. It does so by identifying possible fixes based on the Machine and Dispatch Type along with recent historical data. It will present the 3 most likely combinations. Simply click on add Action & Component to choose a fix.
Alternatively, you can click +Action to add, edit, or remove multiple actions and components.
Related Tab
This tab will allow you to see if the Dispatch launched from a Work Order, Schedule, etc. as well as any follow-up dispatches that were created from it. You can also launch follow-up Dispatches, Work orders, Schedules, Yokoten, and Kaizen from this screen.
Tooling Tab
When viewing in the expanded card view you will notice a tab. When you select this it will show all Tooling related to a dispatch visible all on one screen! You will also have the option to add/edit tooling to the dispatch here as well.
Notes Tab
When viewing in the expanded card view you will notice a tab. When you select this it will show all Notes related to a dispatch visible all on one screen! You will also have the option to add notes to the dispatch here as well.
If you see a little checkmark next to the tooling symbol, this lets you know there is tooling assigned to that dispatch. Once notes are entered they are shown below with a Time Stamp and Name.
Spares Tab
Requesting spares is easier than ever! No more going to a new page. The Request Spare Part opens a box. All the functionality is right there, at your fingertips, with the Dispatch still in view behind.
When you click on the + Spares tab a Request Spare Part screen will pop up.
You can choose to search or scan a barcode.
Note: If using the Scan or Type bar you can only search by the following criteria:
- Part Number
- Short Part Number
- Vendor Part Number
- Manufacturer Part Number
- Description
- Location
- Warehouse
When you select a part under Bill of Materials you will see the option for Location, Category, and Quantity.
Suggested Parts
A technician will frequently perform some research before fixing a machine. He will look at recent Dispatches and recent Spare requests. He will also look back to the last time a machine had a similar issue to identify what was done to fix the issue. These research activities take time, which we can decrease by suggesting spare parts.
Enter Suggested Parts on L2L's Dispatch Portal!
Now, a technician can skip the step of searching for the part they need and click on 'request part' using the hyperlink under the name of the spare.
Complete and Close Buttons
When viewing in the expanded card view you will see the Completed and Close buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Pro Tip: You can click the Close button to both Complete and Close a Dispatch.
Have you closed out your dispatch but there was something missed? That's okay, you can choose to click the Closed or Completed options on the closed dispatch.
By clicking the Close button on a closed dispatch will allow you to Re-open a dispatch to edit or finish the dispatch.
If you choose to click the Complete on a Closed dispatch you have the option to Reopen and Resume the dispatch. (This will restart the time clock)
Dispatch Portal as Default Dispatch View
Have you started using the new Dispatch Portal and are enjoying the ability to customize the screen to what you need to see? Well, did you know you can now choose a setting that will allow you to set the Dispatch Portal to be your Default Dispatch View?
If your plant would like to have all users be able to see and use the Dispatch Portal as their default view, there is now a site setting that L2L can set for you.
If your site is not ready to have the Dispatch Portal as their default view, there is still a way to customize your own view by going to your User Settings. You can rectify this by clicking on your username > user settings and changing the Dispatch View to Classic.
Click here will give you tips and tricks on making the dispatch portal your default view.
The 'Set as Home' icon in the upper right of the Dispatch Portal allows you to make that your landing page upon logging in. No more navigating from the traditional home page to start your day!
We've given you 5 different pre-built choices for your viewing pleasure. These don't require you making any selections; just click and view your Dispatch choices, your way. And if you don't want to see all of these at the same time, go ahead! Change it up!
- My Scheduled Dispatches
- My Open Dispatches
- My Completed Dispatches
- My Closed Dispatches
Name & Save your favorite filtering selections. Exclude Closed Dispatches if you don't need to see them all the time. You decide the order in which you view Dispatches under the sort menu. You have an even wider choice of Time Frames. You can set your filtering options by Scheduled Date Dispatch Status.
You will be able to individually configure and save Filters for your Dispatch view preferences. This means Technicians won't have to return to their Home Page to know what Dispatch to work on next. If you need Area level visibility, you can configure and save filters accordingly.
- Unassigned Dispatches
- Areas, Lines, Line Categories, Trades Value Streams, Technologies, Dispatch Types
- All Dispatch Statuses: New, Machine Up, Idle, Waiting Parts, Unique to Site Statuses.
- Dispatch Impact: Down, Impacting, Planned Work, No Impact (Set in the Dispatch Type).
- System Status: Open(Excludes Completed & Closed), Completed (Excludes Closed), Open & Completed (Excludes Closed), Closed within 30 Days
- Time Frame: Reported within the last 15, 30, 45, 60 minutes. Last 2, 8, 12, 24 hours. Due Today, Due Tomorrow, Due within 5 days (including today).
- Assigned Resources.
- My Dispatches: Assigned, Dispatched, and Submitted
- Note: all of the above will be sortable by Dispatch Number
You set the Priority and determine the display order
In the upper right-hand corner of the page, on the gray toolbar, you'll see the drop-down that allows you to set the display order, Ascending or Descending, by Impact, Priority, Status Time, when Reported, Scheduled, or Due.
Note: Priority is sorted by Ascending (lowest number first) and Impact is sorted by Highest impact first (Down → Impacting → Planned Work → No Impact)
- Click here for a guided tour of the Dispatch Portal, this link is the tour for mobile view.
- Also, here you will see some highlighted features for the Dispatch Portal
- How to make the Dispatch Portal your default dispatch view.
- Optimize your use of the Dispatch Portal.