Kitting is a way to group a collection of parts together for use on a Scheduled Event or Work Order such as Preventive Maintenance or Machine Repair. The Kitting Process in L2L begins in the Scheduler or Work Order Module. In each event for the Scheduler, you'll find the Kit BOM in the row of your Occurrence Type. In the Work Order Module, the Kit will be under the Spares Kit BOM section towards the bottom. The Kit BOM will display the number of parts, not the quantity of total parts in the kit. For example, if you have a quantity of 3 of 1 (single) item in your kit, the BOM will count that item 1 time. The Add/Edit button opens a new page called the Kit Template. This page has all available parts from Inventory Control and allows you to add the parts to the kit template that will be used for that event. Saving that page will return you to your scheduled event.
When your event launches, the Kit can be found in the Dispatch under Spares, in the Spares Queue and in the Kits page under the Spares Menu. Clicking into the Kit allows you to change the status of each part. The Spare Room Attendant with Inventory Manager permissions will put the kit together and change the statuses. That default status will be 'Requested for Kit'.
- Reserved: This status is used when you have put the kit together and it is awaiting pickup. All parts in 'Reserved for Kit' status are issued to the dispatch, status changed to 'completed', and decremented from Inventory as if the user closed a spare request from the queue. As soon as a spare part is requested, it moves to the Reserved column in Inventory Control. The reserved part is deducted from inventory.
- Return: This status is used when the part has to be returned because it wasn't needed after all. It will put the part back in 'Requested for Kit' status.
- Split: This status is used when not all parts are available immediately. You can split the quantity in order to reserve those parts that are available.
After you've edited the status for your parts, you'll need to write in a Location where the technician can pick them up along with any notes.
Buttons at the bottom:
- Save
- Issue Kit: All parts in the 'Reserved for Kit' status are issued to the dispatch, status changed to 'completed' and decremented from inventory. Parts still in the 'Requested for Kit' status are changed to deleted and parts returned to stock. The kit is closed and no longer shows in the Kits screen.
- Add Parts: Allows you to add any additional parts needed
- Cancel
- Delete
Since the part that has been reserved for a Kit is still in inventory, the "Reserved" column on the Inventory Management and Request Spares screens indicate how many parts are reserved for a Kit. In case of emergency, these parts can be returned to inventory on the Kit screen to be issued to an emergency Dispatch.
Notes: When selecting several of the same parts for a kit, don't click on it multiple times, instead click on it once and enter the number of parts you would like at the top.
The number on the kit in the scheduler will change with every event and increments across the server, not just the site. (If your company has more than one site).
**If you have your Spares integrated and want to use kitting; you'll need to set up the integration to search for the kitting statuses: Kit Reserved, Kit Requested.