Leading2Leans Spares module is a full maintenance spare parts module that meets every need of the maintenance department to manage and track spare parts inventory and usage. Some of the key highlights of the Spare parts module are:
- The Setting tab is where administrators set the custom parameters, rules and rights that best suit their business. For more information please use this link to our Settings Article.
From a single parts detail page, Users can input and access:
- Part Number, Short Part Numbers and Description of the part
- Part images
- Associated machines
- Min/max and order quantities
- Vendor information
- Multiple location information
- Associated parts
- Part history
From the Inventory Control Screen you can click on each part individually. This will pull up all of the information associated with that part.
- You can attach an Image to the part so that anyone not familiar with the part can see what it looks like, or to distinguish it between multiple parts that are similar.
- The Part Number and Short Part Number are listed here.
- A Description of the part, that can be edited.
- The Categories usually include types of parts, such as: Belts, Bearings, Sensors, etc. But are user defined so they can be anything the business chooses to categorize.
- The Machine is the machine the part is used on.
- The Minimum Stock Level is the minimum level you can have on hand before the system will reorder (either at or below minimum depending on your Spares Setting). The Optimum Stock Level is the number you'd like to have on hand at all times. This number is what your order request will add your on hand back up to.
- Locations: On Hand is the number currently at your disposal, which Warehouse it's in and the Bin Location (ex. Row A, Shelf 3).
- The Vendor is who sends you the part. This row includes the Part Number the Vendor uses, their name, and contact information.
- The Current Cost is the cost from the current Part Order Detail that the spares requests' from Dispatches are using. Note: Editing this field does not change anything.
- The Unit of Measure is how you issue the part on site. For example by each, quart, feet, etc.
- The Purchasing Unit of Measure is how you order the part from the vendor. For example, by box, gallon, set, etc. Note: This may not be different from the UOM.
- The Purchasing Units per X is how many of X you order. So if you order by each; the Purchasing Units per Each = 1. If you order by box; the Purchasing Units per box might equal 12.
The next section is where each Part Order is stored.
- Here you will find the Purchase Order #, how many parts from that order have been Consumed and are Available, the Cost of the part associated with that order, as well as information about the Status of the order.
- You will also see a View/Edit Order button. Within that screen is the Purchase Order information.
- The Vendor name and Part Number.
- The Purchase Order Number.
- The Purchase Price. This is the Total purchase price.
- Price Per X (in this case 'each'). This is the price you paid for each part. Note: Here is where you can edit the cost if your vendor has charged you more or less than what you had in the system when you ordered.
- On Hand/ Minimum/ Optimum.
- The Unit of Measure used for that particular part.
- Quantity Ordered - Units per X (each):
- Quantity Received.
- Total Units Received (may not differ from Quantity Received if UOM is each or equal to 1).
- Quantity Outstanding. If you only received a partially fulfilled order, this row will show what's left to be received.
- Quantity Consumed. This row will show what's been used from this order.
- Expected Fulfillment Date. This row uses the order history for initial calculation of lead time.
- Fulfillment Status: On Order, Partially Fulfilled, Complete, Deleted.
- Notes: Information about the order you want to remember.
- Taxable.
- Order Number.
- Ordered On Date.
- Received On Date.
- Last Updated by.
- Created by.
Back on the main Part Detail Screen you'll find some other useful information.
- The Manufacturer Information - name, part number.
- Any Additional Information about the Part can be located or added here. (1024 character limit)
- You can also check: Flag For Refresh, Critical, Obsolete, Taxable, and Active - uncheck to inactivate the part if it is no longer in use.
- Any Associated Parts can also be found or added on this page. This is useful for linking other parts that may be applicable within the Dispatch.
At the bottom of the screen, you will find buttons to Save, Cancel, Order, or View Change History. The View Change History button will give you a history of requested spares in L2L and any changes to cost, bin location, and quantities.
From a single parts detail page, Users can input and access:
The Inventory Control screen is the central screen to the inventory management of Spare Parts within the Leading2Lean system. Here in the Inventory Control screen the User can Add New, locate, sort and export parts that are in Spares.
The Inventory Control screen is also the link to the individual Part Detail screen. By selecting a part from the Inventory Control screen, the User will be linked to the Part Detail screen.
To add a new spare part to the inventory, select the 'Add New' button at the top right of the Inventory Control screen. This will open a blank 'Part Detail' form. Enter all of the information for the new part. For instructions on the Part Detail information, click here.
To Export Inventory Control data, select the 'Export' button at the top right of the Inventory Control screen. The data can be exported in either .xls or .csv file format.
Note: Exports can be done after the 'Filter' tool is used to only export the User desires.
The Inventory list can be filtered from a number of ways. These include:
- Warehouse
- Part Categories
- Part Criticality
- Site
- Machines
- Active/Inactive
Remember to select the 'Apply' button to engage your filter and use the 'Clear' button to wipe the filter and start new.
A list of all parts consumed. Include drop down menus to disposition the status of the part as well as adjust quantities consumed.
When spares are requested by various users in the site, the requests are managed in the spares queue page. The spares inventory manager has several statuses they can utilize to process the request. Below are descriptions and use cases for each spares status.
- Issue Requested Is an indicator that the request is new and has not yet been processed. All requests start out in this status until they are changed or closed by the inventory manager.
- In Process This status is used to indicate that the request has not been filled and is still in process. You can change the status to In Process if for some reason you are not able to complete the request at this time, but want to indicate to the requester that you have received the request and it is being processed.
- Complete If there are no concerns and the request can be completed, you can change the status to complete and then close the request. Also, simply closing the request without updating the status will automatically change the status to Complete.
- Synchronized When you have integration set up with another system or ERP, this will confirm that the transactions have been synchronized.
- Deleted When a problem exists in a spares request, such as wrong quantity or the spare part is no longer needed, the delete status is the correct status to use. Changing the status to Delete and closing the request will return the item(s) to stock and close the request.
Helpful Tips
Best practice is to close all spare parts in a timely manner. We recommend all spares transactions be closed daily.
To verify transactions, you can run the spares history report and sort by status column.
All Deleted transactions have two transactions in the spares history: one for the request itself, and the other to check the part back into stock. Transactions will net zero cost and quantity.
When running monthly spares history reports, watch out for deleted transactions that span two months. You may need to reconcile for such transactions depending on your accounting practices.
Inventory is decremented at the time the spares request is made.
Need to Close some Spares in the Spares Queue?
Maybe want to Close ALL Spares in the Spares Queue? No worries, you got this.
Someone on your team is tasked with keeping the Spares Queue up to date and accurate. What if they inadvertently click on the "Close All Spares" button? Have no fear, we've anticipated that. If someone clicks Close All Spares, intentionally or accidentally, the system returns a pop-up dialogue asking them to confirm that action.
- This feature allows the User to request a spare part from the system without being in a Dispatch. The user can designate where the part will be charged to from this screen. This is a good way to pull parts for kitting and work-orders.
Requesting spares is the process of searching for, locating, and attaching to a spare part or parts to a Dispatch. The request spares process is done from the dispatch detail screen and can only be performed by someone with Resource permissions or higher. Here is how to request a spare part:
1. From the Main Dispatch screen, select the dispatch that is currently being worked on by clicking on the hyperlink dispatch number found at the left of the dispatch page.
2. Once the Dispatch detail screen is open, go to the dropdown menu selection called 'Spares Issued'
3. On the far right of this dropdown, select the button 'Request Spares'
When 'Request Spares' is selected, you will be taken to the following screen to finish your request. On this page, there are 3 main sections
1. Information about the dispatch the resource is currently requesting spares for
2. The shopping cart showing details about the spares that have been requested for this particular dispatch. In this field the resources can:
- Choose the quantity of parts to be requested.
- Identify what location the part is being pulled from (if multiple locations are available)
- Choose a Consumption Category for tracking purposes.
- Leave comments if required
- Remove the spare part from the request
- Submit the request to the system
3. The Bill of Material or Spare Part search results for request. When using this section, the resource can:
- If a Bill of Materials has been generated for this machine, these parts will show first in this section for ease of identification.
- Search for a part in the inventory by using keywords, numbers, description and even vendors.
- Select the part needed and add it to the cart. Note: multiple parts may be selected prior to clicking the 'Submit Cart' button.
Once the request has been made, remember to hit the 'Submit Cart' button to assign these parts to the dispatch.
Note: if a requested part is no longer needed, the requester should 'return' the part to inventory by requesting a negative quantity of that part, effectively canceling the initial request.
**If you are using the Dispatch Portal Dispatch Screen, you are now able to request spares right from the main screen without having to open the dispatch.
- The Order parts screen shows a list of consumed parts that have fallen below their minimum in the Inventory Control. Here the user can then add all of the necessary information including PO and quantities to order the part.
The Order Parts screen under the Spares menu provides a quick way to know when to order parts. It contains a list of all Spare Parts that are at or below the minimum quantity.
The following filters will help you customize this page:
- Warehouses. Limit your results by certain warehouses.
- Part Categories. Limit your results by one or more part categories.
- Part Criticality. Limit your results by the Part Criticality.
- Vendors. Only show parts for certain vendors. This helps you batch orders to a specific vendor.
- Quality Statuses. Customize which parts show on the screen by its quantity. Options include: All, At or Below Minimum, Below Minimum, and "On Order".
- Area. Limit your parts by one or more areas.
- Line. Limit your parts by one or more lines.
- Machine. Limit your parts by one or more machines.
Here is a brief explanation of each column:
- Action. Click the "Order" link to order more parts, click the "History" link to view the Part's order history.
- Locations. This is a list of all locations where the part is stored.
- Vendor/Part Number.
- Part #.
- Description.
- Qty.
- Min.
- Opt.
- Qty On Order.
- Cost.
- Taxable.
- Date To Order. This is the date the spare part quantity met or dropped below the minimum stock level.
Ordering Parts
Click the "Order" link on any row to order new parts. This will take you to a new screen with the following fields:
- PO Number. Enter your PO number.
- Purchase Price. Price for one item. The "Total Purchase Price" field is updated automatically when the Purchase Price is updated.
- Total Purchase Price. Total price for the order. The "Purchase Price" field is updated automatically when the "Total Purchase Price" field is updated.
Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of the Order Parts screen.
- Make sure to set your Minimum Stock Level and Optimum Stock Level. Minimum is the absolute Minimum you should have on stock at any given time. When the stock level of a part meets or drops below the Minimum Stock Level, the part will be displayed on the Order Parts screen. The Optimum Stock Level is used to determine how many parts to order when a part is getting ordered.
- Keep the quantity field up to date. As parts are consumed using Dispatch they are automatically decremented in Inventory Control. If parts are released outside of Dispatch, make sure to update the quantity in Dispatch. Many customers perform a quantity sync regularly to keep quantities up to date.
- Receive parts promptly. When a part is received and the inventory level goes above the Minimum Stock Level, the part is no longer displayed on the Order Parts screen. This helps the person who orders parts keep track of only parts that are on order or need to be ordered.
- Update your Minimum levels when appropriate. As the plant floor dynamics change you may find that you don't need to keep as many parts on hand. Update your Minimum Levels regularly so the Order Parts screen only displays parts that need to be on order. If you find that it takes a long time for certain parts to be delivered, you may consider increasing your Minimum Stock Level for that part.
- Use the Date To Order column. The Date To Order column shows the date that a part's inventory levels met or went below the Minimum Stock Level. This will help you know which items have been below Minimum Stock Level the longest, and it will help you order parts in a timely manner.
- This screen is where stockroom attendants and receiving personnel will input parts that have been received back into the system following fulfilled order being shipped.
The receive parts screen is used to receive the parts ordered using the Order Parts screen.
Click the "Received" button when receiving parts. The order quantity is pre-filled. If you receive fewer parts than you ordered, change the Qty Received field and click "Receive." The order will remain open until you receive all of the parts in the order.
Note: If the order quantity you received only partially filled the order and did not bring your quantity up to your minimum, another Order will be listed in the Order Parts Screen. Please be mindful of this when accepting partial orders and use the History button as well as the Quantity on Order field in the Order Parts Screen to avoid ordering in excess.
- Consumption categories are user defined fields that are then selected when choosing to consume a spare part. This allows inventory managers to make better decisions about when and what parts are being used during the maintenance process.
Spares Consumption Categories allow the Resource consuming the parts through the 'Request Spares' feature in Dispatch to define the consumption category for the part. A consumption category is usually defined by the type of work being performed by the Resource. These may include Repair, Preventative Maintenance (PM), Projects, etc. Note: Consumption Categories must be added in the Setup before they can be selected in the Request Spares process. You need to have the appropriate access level in Spares to create and define these Consumption Categories. Your site L2L Champion can assist you.
Adding a Consumption Category:
1. From the Main Menu select Spares
2. Select 'Consumption Categories'
3 Select 'Add New'
4. Click 'Save'
Note that there is an option that can be selected within the Spares > Settings where you can change the behavior of Spares Consumption Categories by choosing to:
- Automatically Select a Consumption Category
- Specify that the User is Required to select a Consumption Category
Please note that you cannot change a Consumption Category once a Spares Request has been created.
- User defined categories for parts. These categories usually include types of parts, such as: Belts, Bearings, Sensors, etc. But are user defined so they can be anything the business chooses to categorize.
Spare Parts Category is an open field that allows Administrators to categorize parts in any fashion they choose. Some companies choose to categorize spare parts by mechanical properties such as Bearing, Belts, etc., while others choose to categorize parts by product type or value streams.
Note: When and where parts are consumed along with the reason for the consumption (reactive, PM, etc.) will be determined in the consumption category fields, not here.
Adding a Part Category is simple:
1. In the Main Menu, select Spares
2. Choose 'Part Categories'
3. Select 'Add New'
4. Add the 'Description', 'Code' and choose if this will be the default category.
5. Click 'Save'
*Remember, you need sufficient access in the Spares Module to set up a Spare Parts Category and to edit existing Categories. Your local Site L2L Champions can help with this as well.
- Input screen to manage and see all information on Vendors that supply spare parts to the business.
L2L Spare Parts has an entire Order and Receive function within the module. Included in this feature is complete Vendor information that can be associated with individual parts. Vendor information is then seen on the 'Order' and 'Receive' parts screens to help manage the inventory.
Note: Complete Vendor information can be uploaded by Leading2Lean Support. For the Vendor Upload Template please email support@leading2lean.com.
Adding a vendor is easy:
1. From the Main Menu select Spares
2. Select 'Vendors'
3. Select 'Add New'
4. Enter in all pertinent information.
5. Click 'Save'
- UoM are User defined fields given to spare parts when quantity of the product to be ordered needs to be defined. These should be: Each, Feet, Box, Kit, etc.
Purchasing UOM (Unit of Measure)
- When purchasing spares parts in L2L, sometimes they are ordered from the vendor in a different UOM than what they are consumed at the site.
- For example you may purchase by the box, roll, or drum. Then you may issue/consume them by each, foot/meter, liter/gallon.
You can select if the UOM for purchasing is different when setting up the part in the part detail or in the part order detail as shown below.
- Example- I order a box oil that has 12 quarts per box. The purchasing unit of measure would be box with 12 units per box.
- You may want to adjust your part min/optimum values to allow you to order in full box quantities if there is an economic order benefit.
- Warehouses are User defined. A site may have multiple warehouses where parts are stored and the same part number may reside in multiple warehouses all managed through L2L.
Spares Warehouses are set up within the Spares Module and are used to designate the location of Spare parts in a general location such as storerooms, buildings, and even satellite locations. A Warehouse is a location of a group of parts that will then be placed into individual bin locations.
Warehouse names are customizable in Leading2Lean and can be generated by:
1. In the Main Menu go to Spares the to Warehouses
2. In the top Utility bar, select 'Add New'.
3. Enter the custom Description you have chosen for this Warehouse.
The new Warehouse will now be available from the dropdown menu in the Bin Location screen within the Part Detail screen.
- The daily cost history is a quick reference report to easily see the spares cost by date.
- Spares File Import feature is used by clients that are looking to sync the company accounting ERP system with the Leading2Lean Spare Parts module. This is done in lieu of software integration and involves the download of the ERP quantity data and an upload of that data to Leading2Lean. For More information please check out this Spares Import link.
Check out the QR feature for Spares.