First you'll need to enable part movement in the Spares Settings.
You'll also need to grant someone access as a Receiver in the Spares Settings.
Next, you'll want to create a Dispatch Type for Part Movement and select that in the Spares Settings along with a default machine. When this is configured, a Dispatch will be launched when a Part Movement request is made to the "source" site.
How to: Requesting Site
From the Spares Menu, Click 'Request Spares'
From there, you'll want to filter to 'All Sites'
Find the Part Number at the Site you want to request it from.
Submit. That's it!
In the Parts Movement page under 'Include Parts To SITE', you'll see your requested part. You can also Print.
How to: Shipping Site
When another site requests a part, you'll receive a Dispatch. Note: Dispatch Type will need to be created and added to the Spares Setting for this to work.
From the Parts Movement page, you'll see requests from your site to be shipped to the requesting site. You are able to click Edit to enter a PO Number and change the status to Approved or Denied.
Movement History Report
This Report will show you the history of all requests between sites.