Serialized parts are considered a subset of an L2L spare part.
- A spare part can have thousands of serialized parts. A serialized part has a few unique properties, including a serial number and a set of attachments. A serialized part will be consumed only one time, by one machine.
- A serialized part record will include a serial number, vendor serial number, PO number, Lot number, documents, and attachments.
- Can fill out a checklist for a Serialized Part. Checklists can be configured to automatically be attached to a Serialized part through the part category. Once all checklists are filled out, a part can be marked as “available.”
- New Machine property to only allow parts to be issued from the Machine’s Bill of Materials.
- Can scan a part number or serial number to add an available serialized part to a Dispatch or Work Order.
Serialized Parts is a site setting that can be enabled by L2L Support. Once enabled the serialized parts section will show under the Spares Navigation Menu.
Within the Spare Detail Screen, you'll find a checkbox for 'Serialized Part'.
If you've enabled parts as Serialized Parts. You will find those parts within a submenu of Spares called Serialized Parts:
Attaching Documents to Serialized Parts, documents will be associated via the Part Category.
* When requesting a serialized part from a dispatch, if you are not using a barcode scanner, you will need to search the serialized part by the serial number (it has to be an exact match).