This article is for both the Daily Production Summary report and the Weekly Production Summary Report.
The Production Summary reports are intended to give production users a snapshot view of a production day and week. This report is very powerful, as it aggregates data from all pitches in the time frame to provide a clear summary of the production efforts. You can save and schedule these reports for email delivery.
Note: This report uses the 'technical' date to display the data; therefore, if you production time starts at 23:00 on a Sunday, the report will only pull that one hour of information. The Production Trend Report will pull the full Sunday as opposed to only one hour.
Here is an explanation of each of the columns in the report. The actual column names will depend on the terms used by your company:
- Line: Data is reported on the Line level.
- Shifts: If the "Show Shifts" checkbox is checked, this lists out the shifts that were active during the day. If the "Show Shifts" checkbox is not checked, the number of shifts that contributed to metrics will be displayed.
- Products: If "Show Products" is checked, this will show which products were built during the time frame. If "Show Products" is not checked, this will show a count of product built during the time frame.
- Product Order: If "Show Product Orders" is checked, this will display a unique row for each product order in the report with the Product Order name listed in this column. When combined with “Show Shifts” filter, the report will display a unique row for each product order and shift combination.
- Pitches: This is the number of pitches during the time frame.
- Demand: This is a sum of the pitch demand for the time frame.
- Actual: This is a sum of the pitch actuals for the time frame.
- Scrap: This is a sum of the pitch scrap for the time frame.
- Prod. Min.: This is a sum of the pitch planned production minutes during the time frame. This does not include planned non-production minutes.
- Prod. Down Min.: This is the sum of downtime minutes excluding planned non-production minutes. For example, if a 60 minute pitch has 20 minutes planned non-production, and 40 minutes planned production, and a "down" dispatch is open for the entire duration of the pitch, only 40 minutes are counted toward production downtime. Production Downtime Minutes is used for the Availability % calculation.
- Down Min.: This is a sum of the pitch downtime minutes during the time frame. Pitch downtime minutes cannot be larger than the total number of minutes in the pitch. Pitch downtime can be larger than the Production Minutes metric since the Production Minutes does not count non-production minutes.
- Operator Count: This is the average number of operators on a line during the time frame.
- Availability %: This is the Availability for the time frame. You can read about how we calculate OA in our article about OEE. The availability metric uses planned production minutes in the calculation.
- OEE %: Overall Equipment Effectiveness. This is the OEE for the time frame. You can read about how we calculate OEE in our article about OEE.
- PEFF %: Production Efficiency. This is a ration of Actual / Demand.
- TEFF %: Theoretical Efficiency. You can read about this in our TEFF article.
Performance %: Performance Per Part. You can more about this in our Performance article. - TPU: Time Per Unit
- NPM: Non-Productive Minutes
- Labor Efficiency: This is a way to measure the efficiency of operators. This is calculated using the formula: Earned Minutes / Available Minutes.
- Scrap %: This is a percentage of Scrap to all parts produced: Scrap/(Actual + Scrap)
- Tact Time: The rate needed to meet customer demand.
- Run Rate: The actual rate at which the line is running: (Planned Production Time - Downtime) / (Actual + Scrap)
- Past Due: The number of pitches a given line is past due or ahead.
- Quality %: Similar to Scrap, this is the percentage of good parts to all parts: Actual/(Actual+Scrap)
- PPMH: Parts Produced per Man Hour
- PPH: Parts Produced per Hour
- E-Hrs: Earned Hours
- Planned Changeover Minutes: A sum of all planned changeover minutes from product orders.
- Actual Changeover Minutes: The actual number of minutes taken to change over. This uses dispatch data.
- Planned Cleanup Minutes: A sum of all planned cleanup minutes from product orders.
- Actual Cleanup Minutes: The actual number of minutes taken to clean up from order. This uses dispatch data.