If you have generated an Occurrence Trend Report recently, you probably noticed that you have more display options than you did before. Exciting, right? Take for example, the Occurrence Trend Report. You have always had some options like Pie Chart and Bar Chart, depending on the report you're running. Now you can see your data displayed as a Bar Chart, Histogram, or as a HEAT MAP as well!
What is a Heat Map and why are we so excited to debut it? A Heat Map is a two-dimensional data representation where values are graphically depicted using colors. This use of colors provides an immediate and impactful visual aid, allowing the viewer to quickly disseminate the data being presented. Even if you can't readily see each value individually, you instantly recognize the message being conveyed by the data overall. The variation of the colors is an indicator on its own: light and dark tones.
A simple heat map provides an immediate visual summary of information. More elaborate heat maps allow the viewer to understand complex data sets. There are many ways to display heat maps, but they all share one thing in common: they use color to communicate relationships between data that would be would be much harder to understand if presented numerically in a spreadsheet.