Spares Settings
- Allow negative on-hand inventory levels: If checked, allows negative inventory levels changing the functionality of the ‘Request Spares’ when the part on hand is less than 1. Note: Can be used if on hand inventory levels aren’t accurate, prompting spares inventory managers to update spares to match actuals. If unchecked, parts cannot be issued/requested when inventory is less than 1.
- Re-order when on-hand inventory is below minimum: If checked, the system will automatically initiate a spare part order request in the ‘Order Parts’ screen when the part level is below minimum. If unchecked, the system will automatically initiate a spare part order request in the ‘Order Parts’ screen when the part level is at minimum or below minimum.
- Default Cost Center for Inventory Adjustments: You can select a cost center from the drop down that will track inventory adjustments. Daily and monthly cost history reports will report this data in this cost center.
- Limit to One Location Per Part on Synchronization/Import: If checked, the import will only load parts into one warehouse location. Unchecked, imports will load parts into multiple warehouses per data load specifications.
- Disable Delete Button for Spare Issues: If checked, part issues cannot be deleted using the ‘delete’ button on the ‘Spares Request’ screen. If unchecked, it allows requestors to delete part issues after the part has been issued/requested.
- Close Spares Request when Associated Dispatch is Completed: This feature will close the spare request in the queue when the Dispatch has been completed.
- Enable UNSPSC Code: This feature is related to United Nations Standard Products and Services Codes
- Lock Part Order when PO has been issued: This feature is helpful when parts are ordered in an external system and you want to lock the part order so no changes may be made when a PO has been issued.
Enable Cycle Counting: Here you can enable cycle counting to allow spares cost to be calculated by average cost of your inventory or First In First Out.
Cycle Recount Dispatch Type: Add a Dispatch Type for Cycle Recounts (Note: You will want to create a new Dispatch Type for this).
Cycle Recount Machine: Add a Cycle Count Recount Machine to Open the Dispatch against. (You’ll also want to assign some people the new Cycle Counting permission).
Enable Part Movement Between Sites: Here you may enable part movement. You'll also need to grant someone access as a Receiver in the Spares Settings.
Part Movement Dispatch Type: Create a Dispatch Type for Part Movement and select here. When this is configured, a Dispatch will be launched when a Part Movement request is made to the "source" site.
Part Movement Machine: Select a default machine for Part Movement.
Spares Queue Settings
- Disable Status Update in Spares Queue: If checked, spare request status cannot be manually edited in the spares queue screen. The system will manage the status automatically. If unchecked, the status can be manually edited.
- Disable Quantity Update in Spares Queue: If checked, spares request quantity cannot be edited from the spares queue. If unchecked, spares request quantity can be edited.
- Re-Synchronize Parts to ERP on Update: Check if integrated to an ERP system. Uncheck if not integrated to ERP.
- Automatically Build Cost History: If checked, L2L will build out the Spares Monthly and Daily Cost History each night. If unchecked, you will not have any data in those reports, your ERP should be the source of truth.
Request Spares Settings
- Enable option to add to Bill of Materials by Technology when requesting issue: If checked, allows requestors to add part to all Machine BOMs associated with the ‘Technology Group’ of the current machine upon requesting a part. If unchecked, option will be disabled when requesting a part.
- Enable option to add to Bill of Materials by Machine when requesting issue: If checked, allows requests to add part to Machine BOM. If unchecked, option will be disabled when requesting a part.
- Consumption Category Behavior: This feature determines the category selection when requesting a spare. There are two options: ‘Automatically Select Category’ will automatically select default category with the ability to edit. Option two: ‘User Required to Select Category’ requires requestor to select the spares category each time a part is requested. Note: This option is recommended if L2L is your spare part system.
- Require ‘Requested by’ in generic request screen: If checked, requires the requestor to enter username when part is requested. Note: This feature is used when sites setup a generic login spares request screen. If unchecked, the system automatically selects current user as requestor when part is requested.
- Maximum Request Quantity Allowed: Blank is the default. This feature is used to limit the maximum number of parts that can be requested in a single part request. Note: L2L recommends that sites use this feature to prevent requestors from inadvertently requesting an unrealistic number of parts.
Spares Required Field Settings
Admins can require certain fields be required when setting up a new spare part in Inventory Control. Select True or False from the drop-downs for each.
- Short Part Number
- Additional Info
- Manufacturer Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Unit of Measure
- Part Category
- Vendor
- Part Classification
Spares Security Settings
- Go to the ‘Spares’ via the menu tab on left side of the main screen and click on ‘Settings’.
- This will open list of Administrative Users. Only users with Administration rights can add/edit additional users.
- To add Administrative Users click ‘Add New’ located in the upper right corner on the ‘Spares Security Settings’ bar.
- Search and select the user from the drop-down list.
- Select the necessary clearance:
- Issuer can issue a part from the queue as well as kits.
- Purchaser can purchase a part.
- Inventory Manager can add categories, units of measure, receive parts, and manage inventory.
- Tooling Manager can manage tooling, tooling statuses, and tooling locations.
- Administrator has all of the permissions above as well as the ability to add users and grant permissions.
Please Note*- In L2L once a part request is submitted from the 'Spares Request' screen the part issue is updated in spares inventory