The Dispatch Summary Report provides a way to get a high-level snapshot of certain Maintenance metrics and Production metrics all in one place.
Form Fields
- Area: Limit the report to only include data for the selected Areas.
- Value Stream: Select one or more Value Streams if you want to only include dispatch data for machines with the selected Value Streams.
- Technology: Select one or more Technologies if you want to only include dispatch data for machines with the selected Technologies.
- Trade: This filter will limit the report to only use data from Dispatches with the selected Trades.
- Dispatch Types: Only pull dispatch data from the selected Dispatch Types.
- Date Range: Use this to pre-populate the Start and End dates fields below.
- Start Date/Time: Report will include data from Dispatches that were open after this time.
- End Date/Time: Report will include data from Dispatches that were open before this time.
- Shelf Time Per Day: When checked, the report will only include data between the start time and end time for each date in the date range. For example, if the Start Date/Time is set to "9/1/2016 08:00", and the End Date/Time is set to "9/5/2016 17:00", the report will include data that was gathered from 08:00 until 17:00 for 9/1, 9/2, 9/3, 9/4, and 9/5. This is helpful when pulling data for a specific shift over a long period of time.
- Include Non-Production Machines:
- Use Production Available Time: When this checkbox is checked, the Available Time will be calculated using Pitch records instead of Resource/Production Shift records. It will also include the following columns in the report: Demand, Actual, Scrap, First time Yield.
- Exclude Lines Not Associated With Resource Shift:
Report Metrics
Below is a detailed explanation of the various columns with descriptions for the dispatch summary report.
All data is determined by the various date range you choose to select in the report form.
- Line:All lines with active data in the system. By clicking on each line it will give you a breakout of the machine data that makes up the lines. The value of this column is a combination of the line's abbreviation and code. If the code and the abbreviation are identical, it is only written once.
- Shifts: Number of shifts over selected date range based on shifts assigned on line setup.
- Ava Time: Available Time. This is the total time that was available to produce parts. By default this time is calculated using the Resource/Production Shift data. If you would rather use Production Pitch available time, select the "Use Production Available Time" checkbox.
- Period Time: Total Minutes in Report Date Range.
- #:Total number of dispatches during date range. (It is recommended to reference the Dispatch History report and/or Machine History and applicable filters to view the dispatches from the report.)
- New: Number of new dispatches during date range.
- Cls: Number of dispatches closed during date range.
- Sig: Total number of dispatches that exceeded Significant Event threshold.
- Total Time: Total accumulated time. Total minutes of all dispatches from the time each dispatch was created until it was completed.
- Total Non Overlap: Total accumulated time non-overlapping. Total minutes any dispatch was open on the line (only available for the line view). If two dispatches are open at the same time it only counts the time for one, not the sum of both.
- Est. Prod Down Time: Estimated production downtime. Estimated downtime based on Dispatches that were open during the time frame. Time is only calculated for the Dispatches that match the Dispatch Type filter. If one or more shifts are configured for a line, this metric will only calculate downtime for the time a line was scheduled to run. If "Use Production Available Time" was checked in the form, Estimated Production Down Time will not be greater than the Available Time.
- Time To Rep: Time to repair. Total minutes it took to repair a machine, starting from the time a dispatch was launched, and ending when the Dispatch is marked complete.
- Man Hrs: Man hours. Total minutes for all dispatches and all technicians dispatched to a line. If two resources were dispatched to a line for 2 hours, 4 hours are counted.
- Wait Time: Total minutes of all dispatches while it was in "New" status prior to a resource being dispatched.
- Idle Time: Total minutes for all dispatches when each dispatch is in the "Idle" or "New" status. This is the total time a dispatch did not have a resource dispatched to it. In other words, idle time is the total time a technician was not working on a Dispatch.
- MTTR: Mean time to repair. Average time to repair all dispatches within date range. MTTR formula: MTTR = Total Time / Total Number of Dispatches.
- MTBF: Mean time between failure. Average time between dispatches. Formula: Period Time / Total Number of Dispatches.
% of OA: Line Formula = (Available time - Estimated production down time) / Available Time.
- Machine Formula = (Total Time Available - Total Non-Overlapping Down Time) / Total Time Available
- Line OA is fundamentally different from Machine OA because of Machine Groups. Machine Groups allow users to alter how we calculate downtime. See NOTE section below.
- Demand: This column is enabled when "Use Production Available Time" is enabled. This is a sum of pitch demands for the time frame. Data is gathered from pitch records.
- Actual: This column is enabled when "Use Production Available Time" is enabled. This is a sum of actual parts produced during the time frame. Data is gathered from pitch records.
- Scrap: This column is enabled when "Use Production Available Time" is enabled. This is the total number of parts scrapped during the time frame. Data is gathered from pitch records.
- First time Yield: This column is enabled when "Use Production Available Time" is enabled.
The Totals at the bottom of the Line Level page are not averages, but a compilation of sums and metrics. For example, the Available Time in the above picture is the sum of that column, as is the Production Downtime. However, the OA metric is still calculated using the sum of the available time minus the sum of the downtime divided by the sum of the available time. It is not the average of 69+100/2.
155115 - 102570/ 155115 = .3387 x 100 = 34% (Rounded)
Wait Time vs Idle Time
Wait time is the same as response time or the amount of time it takes to respond to the event the first time.
Idle time is the time after the dispatch has been responded to once a dispatched resource has been removed from the event, but it hasn't been completed yet.
Key Note: When looking at the Dispatch Summary Report, Idle Time is listed, but includes Wait Time. You'll need to subtract Wait time from the Idle time to get the true idle time.
For example,
In this example, true Idle Time is 22.
How long after WIP will it switch to idle time? Triggered when no resources are actively dispatched to event after initially being in Work In Progress status. Note: Idle time and New time equal the total time event was left unattended
Line OA is fundamentally different from Machine OA because of Machine Groups.
- Machine Groups allow users to alter how we calculate downtime.
To explain, if there’s a Machine Group with 10 Machines, and then a down Dispatch is launched for one of those machines for 60 mins, then we don’t have to say that the whole line was down for 60 mins. Instead, we calculate it as 1/10th of the 60 mins. So in this case, we treat it as if the Line only had 6 minutes of downtime for the OA calculation. - In the case of the machine that went down in the scenario above, the full 60 minutes of downtime is counted towards the OA for that particular machine.
Therefore, when viewing the Dispatch summary, we’re viewing data calculated per line. This means that we’re taking into account that the other 9 machines stayed running during the downtime that was experienced.
However, when you drill down on a line and see each of its Machines individually, you’re seeing the raw downtime data on a per-machine basis. So if you try to aggregate that raw data to calculate OA, you can’t just sum them, you need to also consider Machine Groups, and how each line’s downtime is calculated differently based on the number of Machines in its Machine group.
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