Dispatch Screen
The Dispatch Screen is the stronghold for all things Dispatch and the coveted foundation module of L2L.
- Along the left-hand side of the page, you will see the collapsed main navigation bar with icons for quick access to each module as well as the big green '+New Dispatch' button with the drop down option for entering new Work Orders and Kaizens (if enabled at your site). You'll also find the identification of the current logged in user.
Creating a new Dispatch:
Every page has a Dispatch button at the top of the screen! If you click on +New Dispatch, it will bring you to the main Dispatch Screen with the toolbar already opened for you. This button also allows you to create a Work Order or a Kaizen from any screen.
- Select the 'Machine' if immediately known; choosing the machine first will automatically fill in the corresponding data for 'Line' and 'Area'
- Select the 'Line' associated with the event; the system hierarchy will filter the 'Machines'
- Select the 'Area' associated with the event; the system hierarchy will filter the 'Lines'
- Select the 'Machine'
- Select 'Tooling', if your site uses it
- Write up a description for the event
- Select a Reason Code for the dispatch if required
- Select a 'Trade', if known
- Choose a 'Dispatch Type'; default Dispatch Types will automatically appear there if set up in the 'Areas'
- You can select a Resource from the drop down; this list filters to those that are available and will automatically put them on the job OR leave unassigned if using Dispatchers or the Dispatch Me button
- Dispatchers and Administrators can alter the date/time of the event
- Click 'Create Dispatch'
The dark grey toolbar is where the magic happens.
- To the left, you can search for key words or numbers in the Dispatches.
- To the right, you'll find a button to automatically refresh your screen, 'View Options', 'Filters' and 'More'
- View Options:
- Fields: The default for fields will be 'All' unless you select/unselect items. The fields are all of the information available in the Dispatch List view. For example, if you don't use Tooling, unselect that field from the view options and it will remove the Tooling Column in the Dispatch List. Once you've selected your desired fields, you won't need to do so again. To remove your selections, click 'Clear' to default back to 'ALL' or re-select the fields you wish to see.
- Refresh: Can be set to Automatic or Disabled altogether.
- Dispatches per Page: can be changed from a view of 25 up to 100 at a time.
- Area Filter: This filter will be defaulted to 'Show' which allows you to view the 'Area' Headers. Set to 'Hide' will remove the Area ribbon from view.
- Text Size: This option allows you choose from Small, Normal, and Large. Small is the default and Large is convenient for showing on a TV Screen.
- User Avatars: If your users have an image associated with their user account and are either dispatched or submitted the Dispatch, their avatar or image can be seen on the Dispatch List.
- Resource Usernames: Show or Hide the Usernames, the text in parenthesis, beneath the full name on a Dispatch.
- Filters:
- Saved Filters: To create a 'Saved' filter, first you'll select your preferred options from the drop downs. Now click 'Save Filter'. A pop up box will ask you to name your filter and has a character limit of 25. Click 'Save' again. To update your 'Saved' Filter, simply select the additional criteria, click 'Save Filter' and type in the name of the existing filter you wish to update. To delete a saved filter, click the delete saved filter button, and confirm. To clear your filter, select 'None' and 'Apply'.
- Areas, Lines, Technologies, Trades, Dispatch Types, Statuses, Value Streams, and a Reported Time Frame can all be filtered and applied and additionally saved.
- Want to focus on the unassigned Dispatches to make sure they get assigned and the work completed? Use the Unassigned Dispatch Filter.
- More:
- The 'More' button gives you access to 'Request Spares', a 24 hour 'Dispatch History' and 'Resources'.
- View Options:
You can also add an attachment right from the Big Green Dispatch button!
L2L Support can enable the functionality to add another button to your Dispatch creation modal to allow for the ability to add an attachment all in the same process.
When a user clicks the “Create and Add Attachment” button; L2L creates the Dispatch and takes the user to the file upload screen. There you can select your file and move to the next screen. This screen will ask you for a description of the file you uploaded and give you the option to save or save and upload another attachment. After the images are attached, you'll be brought to the update Dispatch screen.
The main body of the page or the Dispatch List View is tailored to what you want to see from the selections you've made in 'View Options' and 'Filter'. By default, you'll first see an 'Area' ribbon which is an easy way to tab through Dispatches for each Area of your site. You'll also see all of the fields from 'View Options': Dispatch Number (always visible), Resources (assigned or dispatched), Status, Line, Machine, Reported time, Response time, Dispatch Type, and Comments.
- Noteworthy: If you've selected fields from your 'View Options', you'll find +/- buttons to the left of the Dispatch Number. This allows you to expand and collapse Dispatch details. So, even if you have toggled off certain fields from your list view, they are still easily accessible from the expand button.
In the bottom right of your Main Dispatch Screen are the pagination controls which allow you to navigate between pages of dispatches as well as just to the first and last pages as needed.
Edit Dispatch
The Dispatch Edit screen gives detailed information and is the main input for Dispatch information. The Dispatch Detail screen is only accessible to Resources and Administrators via the Dispatch number hyperlink found on the main Dispatch screen.
- Area, Line, Machine & Tooling – All can be changed by Resources if necessary.
- Dispatch Type – Dispatch types should only be changed at the initial start of the Dispatch.
- Trade – Trades will need to be set-up prior to showing on this pull-down menu.
- Time Reported Down – Times should only be adjusted by Administrators.
- Due Date – A Due Date for a dispatch can be entered here. This will show on the main Dispatch Page.
- Description – A description of the dispatch plus notes and other information will show here.
- Spare Parts List – As spare parts are used for the dispatch, they are shown here. There is no limit to SP lines.
- External costs – If additional material is purchased externally for the dispatch, that cost goes here.
- Status – Any and all manual Status Changes happen on this menu.
- Necessary Documents – Any documents attached to this particular dispatch will be linked here.
- Resource Available – List of currently available resources. At the bottom of the list will be resources currently dispatched to events.
- Reason Codes – Reason Codes are another way to categorize failures and events.
- Attachments – Attach Videos, Pictures, important attachments. 20MB per attachment. Unlimited attachments
- Assigned resource – Not dispatched only assigned. The clock does not track assigned. (aka the to do list).
- Actions – Actions are the ‘Verb’ what has taken place i.e. fixed, tightened, replaced.
- Component – Components are the ‘Noun’ of what has taken place. i.e. Bolt, Bearing, Sensor, Employee.
- Why Codes – Use these codes as a basis for problem solving.
- Comments – Comments on the Action and Components go here.
Quick Link and History Buttons
The bottom portion of the Dispatch Edit screen provides Quick link buttons to several features. These are:
This field allows additional notes to be added. Each note is time stamped as they are saved.
Complete selection stops the timer and clocks for the Dispatch and removes the Resource from the dispatch and places them ‘Available’. When choosing ‘Complete’ the dispatch remains on the main dispatch screen.
The Closed selection performs all of the functions as the ‘Complete’ selection, but instead, removes the dispatch from the main dispatch screen and archives the data.
Exit – exits back to the main Dispatch Screen without saving changes made to the Dispatch Edit screen.
Save – Saves any changes made to the Dispatch Edit screen.
Save & Exit – Saves changes made to the Dispatch Edit screen and exits to the Main Dispatch screen.
Resource Time – Allows administrators to change the times on the Dispatch.
Documents – Is a quick link to the list of documents associated with the Dispatch, Lines, Machine, etc.
Follow-up – Allows the Resource to create a follow-up Dispatch or Work Order (if turned on in the site settings) to the current dispatch.
Request Spares – Allows a Resource to request/link a spare part to the dispatch from the Spare Parts module in Leading2Lean.
Print – Provides a printable version of the dispatch.
Refresh- Refreshes the Dispatch Edit page.
Dispatch Change History- Allows Administrators to view the Change History of the individual Dispatch.
Line History-Allows Resources to view the Dispatch history of the Line associated with this Dispatch.
Machine History- Allows Resources to view the Dispatch history of the Machine associated with this Dispatch.
Machine Spares History-Allows Resources to view the Spares history of the Machine associated with this Dispatch.
Update or Delete a Dispatch
Used to make updates or delete closed dispatch events.
1. Enter Dispatch Number
2. Click ‘Update’
3. Make Updates
4. Click ‘Save & Exit’
The following are instructions for Deleting a Dispatch from the L2L Cloud Dispatch system.
Note: Only Administrators with the proper credentials are allowed to Delete a dispatch. Dispatch numbers have historical data associated with them and deleting that number will cause the loss of access to any historical data.
1. Identify the Dispatch number(s) you wish to delete.
2. In the Main Menu, choose the tab Dispatch Screens.
3. Select Delete Dispatch
4. Enter the Dispatch number you choose to delete.
5. Click on the Delete button
6. On the following page, choose the Delete button again.
7. Choose 'OK'.
Only site administrators can delete dispatches.
Main Dispatch Searching and Filtering
Dispatch makes it easy to find the dispatches. We have included full filter and search capabilities that can be used to find exactly what you are looking for. Searching and filtering are useful if you are monitoring all Dispatches in a certain area or line, or if you are watching all Dispatches for a certain trade, value stream, or Dispatch Type.
Filtering your Dispatch screen helps you narrow the Dispatch list by any of the following criteria:
- Area
- Line
- Technology
- Trade
- Dispatch Type
- Status
- Value Stream
You can narrow the search results to Dispatches that were created within a certain time frame by using the "Reported Within" filter.
The Dispatch Search functionality allows you to quickly search the entire Dispatch, including Resources, the comments section, and Dispatch answers. You can use the filter and search box together, as well.
- When viewing ALL Dispatches, use the filters to first narrow the scope by Dispatch Type
- This applies to all searches within L2L - use filtering options first, then search
- Use only one word when searching if at all possible
- Try to use the single most accurate keyword rather than everything likely to return a result
- Use the fewest number of words and alphanumeric characters when searching
Saving Filters
Filters can be saved inside the Filter menu for quick retrieval. You can save as many filters as you like. You can update a filter by saving a new filter with the same name.
How long do the search and filter persist?
Answer: Search terms and filter criteria will persist until they are manually cleared. This means that they will be retained when you refresh the screen, when the screen is refreshed automatically, and even when you leave the screen and come back. If you log into a different computer, the most recent filters from your previous session will automatically load.