As you know, dispatch questions can be utilized to require that users answer a specific question when an event is initiated or before it can be closed. Dispatch Questions can be associated with events based on area, line, machine/s, and dispatch types. Dispatch Questions can be added to gather specific detailed information for short periods to assist in root cause analysis activities. They can also be used to verify that procedures are being followed during events.
An easy way to gather this information for specific questions is the Dispatch Questions Report. This report allows you to search specific dispatch question answers based on either the Area, Line, Line Category, Machine, Value Stream, Technology, Trade, Cost Center, Products, and Dispatch Type. You can use a custom date range or use a specific Start Date/Time and End Date/Time.
The report will allow you to click on the dispatch link the question was associated to and review that dispatch in its entirety.
*Note* You can only search one dispatch question at a time.