None, blank, System, Dispatch
L2L Support has received this question more than once. Okay, many, many times.
While exploring the Great Castle of Data that is L2L, you may see Submitted By, Closed By, Edited By, etc., followed by one of the words above. This can be confusing unless you know that each of these words really means 'L2L'. You might see one of these words alongside the comments in a Dispatch or when viewing the Schedule histories.
Say you are looking at the history for a Scheduled Event. You expect to see someone's name or badge number associated with each change or update item. Instead, you see an entry that reads, "None edited the event" or "System launched Dispatch 123456". You scroll over to the far right hand side of the page, thinking you missed it. Instead, you see, um, nothing, nada: blank space. You may understandably have no idea how that can be. Someone or something edited that Schedule or launched that PM Dispatch!
Take heart, friend. You are correct, of course. When circumstances trigger L2L to launch a Dispatch, edit dates, or update cycle counts, those events are attributed to System or Dispatch, None, or are even left blank. Why? Because in your database, L2L does not have an individual username. Any changes made by you and your teammates will reflect the person who made the change, or perhaps that person's badge number.
Think of the System, aka L2L Dispatch, as the username, and you will find this protocol not confusing at all.