To inactivate or suspend a schedule, you'll first need to click on the Scheduler Module and choose "All Schedules" or the specific schedule you want to inactivate or suspend.
First Red Circle in the screenshot is Suspending a Machine within a Schedule. Second circle around 'Suspend' is suspending the entire schedule.
Inactivating a schedule is used when you no longer need or want to use that schedule. For example, you replaced a machine with a different make/model, and will now use a new schedule for that machine. You will still be able to close any dispatches from the inactive schedule.
Suspending a schedule is used for example; over a holiday when you want to halt the schedule for any amount of time and will resume the schedule when you are back from shutdown. You do have to select to resume the schedule when you return though. It also suspends ALL schedules unless you choose otherwise. To choose specific schedules, you can select a checkbox next to the schedule you wish to suspend. Schedules can only be adjusted in full day increments from the time they are suspended and resumed. Under Schedule Settings you will find other options available to you. You can see from the screenshot below, that the default "When Resuming a Suspended Schedule, Increment the Schedule Dates by How Many Days the Schedule was Suspended" is checked. This will adjust the scheduled date by however many days you have been suspended. If you want to be able to edit the schedule dates after resuming, you must uncheck the box.
Key Point
If you open a specific schedule and suspend a whole schedule, it will not allow you to resume/suspend when using the suspend/resume functionality on the schedule list screen. This is even if the schedule is in the filtered list. This only resumes the machines and not the schedules themselves as it can be searched by machine. Therefore if you suspend a specific machine within the schedule, you must resume the machine individually.
Inactivating Machines tied to Active Schedules
If you inactivate a piece of equipment, and there are active Schedules associated with that equipment, the Schedules themselves remain active. The way to find any Schedules without pieces of equipment tied to them is to set your filter options to view "Empty (No Machines)".
If a Schedule is tied to a Machine, and the Machine is inactivated at some point, and then activated again, that former association between the Machine and any Schedule(s) is not automatically restored. You will still be able to see the Schedule, but you will have to re-associate the equipment (machine, asset) with the Schedule.
Best Practice Pro Tip: For the reasons stated above, before anyone ever inactivates equipment or machines, we strongly recommend that you first look to see if there are active Schedules tied to that machine before inactivating any equipment.
Suspending / Resuming Scheduled Events: Required access in the Scheduler Module
Scheduled Events can be edited, suspended, and resumed by L2L account holders with sufficient access in the Scheduler Module. As defined under Scheduler => Settings => Security Settings, there are three levels of security access in the Scheduler Module:
Scheduler, Manager, and Administrator
Scheduler: Can modify existing schedules but cannot alter launch or due dates. Cannot Suspend or Resume Scheduled Events.
Manager: Can additionally create Schedules, alter launch and due dates, and can Suspend and Resume Scheduled Events.
Administrator: Can additionally set up permissions and upload Schedules.
Mass Suspending and Resuming Scheduled Events
Suspending and later Resuming Scheduled Events. This can be done individually by Schedule or by Machine. Schedules can also be mass Suspended by using filtering selections to narrow or broaden the results.
The steps below show you how to mass suspend/resume schedules.
When you click Suspend/Resume you will see another window pop up giving you 2 options.
1. Suspend/Resume Schedules: This allows you to suspend or resume the schedule without having to suspend/resume individual machines within the schedule. (this option is good for suspending or resuming schedules during a site shutdown)
2. Suspend/Resume Machines: This allows you to suspend or resume individual machines within a schedule. (this option can suspend/resume schedules for machines in specific areas or lines without suspending the entire schedule)
Here is a link for a support article detailing Scheduler Settings and Filters: