Potential Issue: Multiple unexpected orders auto-populated in the Spares Part Order Screen Queue.
Potential Cause: Minimum Quantity being equal to or less than the Total on Hand Quantity.
It is critical to maintain the Minimum and Total On Hand Quantity of all Spare Parts. The System can add parts to the Spares Order Part Screen Queue when the Minimum Quantity is equal to or less than the Total on Hand Quantity.
Potential Scenario: Using the spares inventory system without maintaining an on-hand quantity or “buy when requested” approach. Or without having or maintaining an on-hand quantity, if both minimum and on-hand quantities are set to zero, can cause all parts to populate in the spares part order screen queue.
Maintaining the Minimum and Total On Hand Quantity of all Spares Parts will ensure the Order Parts Screen is accurately reflecting the desired, identified Spare Part Orders Que.
The Spare Parts Minimum and Total On Hand Quantity can be updated individually on a regular frequency to ensure the Part Order Screen is always up to date and accurate. Additionally, if the Spares Order Part Screen becomes populated with many potentially false, phantom orders that do not reflect legitimate orders, the correct Minimum and Total On Hand Quantities can be mass imported. This will update the Parts Minimum and Total On Hand Quantity to the correct numbers. Doing so will make the previous phantom order conditions false, removing the order requests from the parts order screen queue.
How to Correct this Action with an Export - Update Qty - Import:
Step 1: Export your entire current Spares Inventory to an excel file. PRO TIP: It is always a best practice to maintain a copy of this file separately from any subsequent import files.
Step 2: After opening the Exported Excel file, use filters to isolate the problem spares.
Step 3: Edit the minimum stock level to make the minimum stock less than the total on hand.
*Note: This creates a 1 to 1 request for any spare parts that may not be stocked in the parts cribs.
Step 4: Using the spares file import, import the corrected data back into Leading2lean. (Read Technical notes for importing spares). This will make the previous order conditions false removing the order requests from the Spares Part Order Screen queue.
Spares File Import Technical Support Article- Spares-File-Import
Spares Import Bin Locations (Pro Tip)- Pro Tip - Spares Import - Multiple Bin Locations Qty