The Scrap Details Trend Report will give you a trend of the categories over a given timeframe. You can filter your results down to the Line, Product or Shift. You can also choose a date range and select daily, weekly, or monthly to plot your trend chart.
In order to use and see data on the Production Scrap Details Trend Report, you need to have Scrap Categories enabled in the Line Setup and Scrap Categories created from the Production Menu. To collect scrap categories for your report, you can use the add_scrap_categories API or manually add scrap to the allotted boxes in the Operator Portal. Note: You don't want to submit scrap data via the record_details API and allow for operators to manually add scrap categories as they will overwrite each other. You can use the add_scrap_categories API and manually enter data at the same time as long as the operators are aware that the API can overwrite the values.