Yield & Yield Trend Reporting
Along with enabling Yield calculations as one of your site's Production Metrics, it is also helpful to see how you are performing over the course of time. Our 'Production Yield (Yield) Trend' report is your ticket to do just that! (For a complete definition of 'Yield' relative to manufacturing, please refer to our 'Quality/Yield: Yield as a Production Metric' article.)
You will find the Production Yield (Yield) Trend report under the Production Reports header in the REPORTS menu. As you can see, the Production Yield (Yield) Trend Report is straightforward and easy to understand. You can look at the Production Yield Trend over any specified date range. You can narrow or broaden the scope to include more or fewer Areas (Departments), Lines (Cells, Buildings), Shifts, and even Products. This allows you to see your Yield performance over a period of time.
Are you trending in the right direction? While the Yield goal is always 100%, that is not always realistic. Even if your company permits reworked products to ship if they are in full compliance with requirements and standards, the reworked units may still impact Yield. Note measurements where performance patterns are repeated, whether those trends are positive or negative. Identify contributing factors that explain both consistencies and inconsistencies. Yield is a straightforward quality performance measure. In the battle of Good vs. Evil, good (parts) always emerge victorious!
You will find the Yield (Yield) Trend Report under Production Reports in the REPORTS menu.
For our customers who utilize the Production Module, being able to measure themselves against other sites within their organization, as well as other companies in their industry, gives them a yardstick to gauge their own performance. Yield is one such measurement.
In order to understand 'Yield' as a Production Metric, you first need to know what Yield means when used in terms of manufacturing processes and throughput. In the manufacturing world, Yield refers to the percentage of good (non-defective) items produced out of the total number of items produced. It is generally indicated by the ratio of the number of good parts against all of the manufactured parts.
YIELD = the number of non-defective items / the total number of all manufactured items
*Note: the calculation for this metric is the same whether you are looking at individual data points or looking at the resulting averages over a given period of time.