One of L2L's standard reporting offerings is the Notification History Report. This report is located under the 'Reports' section of the REPORTS MENU, accessible from the left hand menu on your home page (Reports Module).
The Notification History Report allows you to see who has received Notifications as well as a number of details about the Notifications that were sent. These details include the following:
- Dispatch Number
- User (name as well as username)
- Delivery Method (email, Mobile Device, text message)
- Date and Time (First Sent/Last Sent)
- Notified on Up (was the Notification sent when the Machine associated with the Dispatch was Up, running: True or False)
- # Sent: the number of Notifications that were sent for this Dispatch for this Notification Type (this varies by each individual's personal or group Notifications settings)
- Type refers to the Type of Notification: Area, Site, Past Due, Machine, Line/Cell/Building, Value Stream, Department, Product Type, Technology, Assigned Resource, Dispatched Resource, Dispatch Awaiting Resource
- Errors (number of times the Notification failed to be sent by L2L)
Your view of these details can be modified in the following ways:
- Search by individual and specified date and time range
- The defaults are all individuals and all Notifications for the past 24 hours
- Number of records viewed per page: 25, 50, 75, 100, 500
Once you have filtered to return the desired results, you then have these options:
- Every column is sortable in ascending and descending order
- Note the direction the arrow is pointing when sorting in ascending or descending order
- The returned data can be exported in both .xls and .csv format
Pro Tip: If you have not received a Notification that you expected to receive, the Notification History Report should be the first place you look. If you see that the Notification you expected is included in the report, but you did not receive it, here are some troubleshooting tips:
- If the expected Notification is included in the Notification History Report, that is your indication that the Notification was successfully transmitted by L2L.
- The System (L2L) only knows that it sent the notification successfully
- The System does not know if the Notification was received successfully
- The System does not know if the email or text message was opened
Visit with your Team L2L Admin or your L2L Site Champion after reviewing the following:
- Check the Dispatch itself. If the Dispatch Type was changed after the Dispatch was created, new additional notifications are not triggered.
- Check all of your personal Notifications setups for exclusions/exceptions
- Days of the week, weekends
- Times of the day
- Number of minutes before notification
- Restrictions such as per Shift, previous 8, 10, 12 hours (range is from previous 8 - 168 hours)
- Critical / Non-Critical Machines or both
- Ask one of your colleagues whose Notifications are set up the same as yours if they are successfully receiving notifications
If all of the above appear to be in order, check with your local IT department to see if they have modified any of the following:
- IP Addresses
- Restricted IP Addresses that were previously unrestricted
- Made any firewall changes
Following the steps outlined above will resolve almost 100% of any Notification related concerns. After exhausting these possible causes, and before you are exhausted, contact L2L Support and we will happily look into any issues and answer any questions.