Cost Trend- Using this report will automatically include the Resource, Spares and Downtime Costs displayed in a stacked bar chart so you can see the various costs broken out.
Downtime costs are determined by using the "Downtime Rate Per Hour" numerator which is set up in the Line Setup.
If the machine is part of a 'Machine group' tied to a particular line this will have a direct effect on the amount of Estimated Downtime cost.
(Example) = If machine A is down and belongs to a machine group to include B, C, and D the cost would be 25% of the hourly downtime rate due to the machine is 1/4 of the machine group). If the down machine 'A' is part of a machine group of 4 machines the system considers the output to be reduced by 25% and the line continues at a 75% thruput rate. Downtime costs will be amortized appropriately determined by the total number of machines in the group.
The Estimated Downtime Cost is defined by each:
(dispatch downtime * line downtime rate / 60) / number machines in the dispatch machine group
The Estimated Downtime Cost can be identified in each Dispatch defined as Down Time: $