Track On Time Completion performance
The Scheduled On Time % Trend Report is a great way to see how you and your teams are performing in terms of completing tasks and events that have been scheduled in advance. Like most of our reports, you can use filtering options to configure this report to return the information you want to analyze. You can name the report, save your filtering configuration, and schedule that report for recurring delivery to your inbox via email, specifying the recipients and delivery frequency.
A couple of things to keep in mind so you are comparing apples to apples when analyzing the data. You can get a larger overview reflecting more than one Area, Line, Machine, Trade, Technology, and Dispatch Type. You can focus on more than one Product, Resource, even shift, day of the week, or time of day, depending on the reporting parameters you select. This might be more applicable to folks who don't accidentally wander onto the shop floor. Just saying.
So, if you're trying to return insightful, real-time data to show your teams where they are really shining, or to provide a glimpse into those events that aren't being consistently completed in a timely manner, we recommend narrowing the scope of the data returned. What does that mean for you?
Don't try to look at every Area, Machine, and Dispatch Type at the same time. Where do your teams seem to be spending the most time? What are the sources of any quality or delivery issues? Any jobs or machines that people seem particularly anxious to avoid? Heaven forbid, any safety concerns that have come to light?
Now that you've identified some recurring patterns or behavior, let's start there. Especially if you've heard statements like these:
- "We're not 9 to 5'ers, so no one cares. We can't get anyone to look at this."
- "John got his finger stuck. No one will go near there."
- "Oh, please. I'll do anything else. Not that again!"
Look at one problem machine on one line in one area. Dive in and make sure your Scheduled Events are addressing the real problems. Make sure the tasks are realistic and were designed to make a positive impact. Once you've saved that report, you can pull it up whenever you want. This is where the features built into L2L reporting come in super handy. Change the dates and time frames of the report, or the Resources, and compare the results.
Are your so-called problem areas filled with less reliable equipment? Are they staffed by new people or run only when material is available? Each of those things on their own may be a factor. By trending the data instead of isolated snapshots, you'll see patterns quickly emerge. Take one bit of that apple at a time rather than trying to munch down that elephant whole. Share what you learn with your teams. Or better yet, let your teams help with the problem solving and root cause analyses. You'll be glad you did!
Please note that once these PMs are completed most customers are marking them closed which also makes running this report more clear and concise for your results when including the "closed dispatches" option in the form since if you perhaps have some that are completed and not closed, you may be missing those.