This report allows you to compare average Cycle Time, Takt Time (demand), and Run Rate (actual throughput) over a period of time for Pitches scheduled in the Production Module.
You can compare and trend data by Area, Line, Shift, and Product.
- How does the same Product perform on different lines?
- Is performance consistent across shifts?
- Are Cycle Times in line with Takt Times?
- Do some lines perform better with a certain Product?
- Are your planning rates cohesive with these metrics?
- Where are your Actual build numbers in comparison with planning and delivery?
Being able to compare, contrast, and trend this data helps identify opportunities for improvement with respect to Cycle Times, Planning Rates, and Production Execution.
Our Zoom-In functionality allows you to highlight a specific slice of data to zero in on.
Hover over any data point for more details:
Use the 'Hamburger' menu on the right hand side of the report view page to perform all the functions highlighted below:
- Print the Chart
- PNG: Portable Network Graphics (.png), an image file format, think gif
- PDF: Portable Document Format, used to share files that are not editable.
- SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation.
- Save these data points as a template for future reports.
- Schedule this report to be delivered to your inbox on a regular basis.
- Save the data points in this report and Schedule this report for ongoing delivery to your inbox.
Content Definitions:
Cycle Time: the amount of time required to complete one cycle of an operation. In some manufacturing environments, the amount of time require to complete a function, job, or task from start to finish.
Takt Time: the rate at which a finished product needs to be completed in order to meet customer demand.
Run Rate: actual demonstrated throughput of finished product off a line, cell, or product flow.
Linear Cycle Time, Linear Takt Time, Linear Run Rate: plotted data points line illustrating trend.