Search Filters
The search filters are in dropdown menus. Each report and graph selection within L2L uses the same format for filtering. Using filters allows the User the flexibility in choosing what data they wish to display in each chart and graph.
• Select the field you wish to query by selecting the arrow on the right of the filter.
• Choose the Area, Line, Machine, etc. you wish to include in your query. Multiples may be chosen in each Drop-down menu.
• Typing in the Enter Keyword search allows for quicker access in menus with large numbers.
• Use the Uncheck All button to quickly clear the query for this Field only.
Dates and Times
Dates and times are used to narrow the search to specific time frames such as days and even hours if required.
• The Date Range drop-down menu is a set of pre-selected common ranges used by L2L clients. If a Date Range is selected, there is no need to enter Start and End dates.
• Start Date/Time – End Date/Time dates allow the user to narrow their query to the minute if desired.
Note: If you are scheduling a report with start/ end times, it will send you those start and end times every time. You'll need to use a date range. Shelf Time per Day does not work for scheduling reports with start/ end times. An alternative would be to select 'last 8 hours' in the date range field and schedule your report to be sent at shift end.
By selecting a specific checkbox in the reports section, you can view only the specified information you wish to view from the report you are running. Each checkbox will narrow or broaden the search scope requested from the report. By using the checkbox functions, you can review more precisely the information you hope to obtain from the History Report.
Note: You can only run one checked option at a time, otherwise you may return with "no data showing." To see everything, do not check any boxes.
Shelf Time Per Day: Allows user to query a slice of time over a period of days. Select a date range and a time (i.e. 06:00-08:00) and select Shelf Time Per Day to receive data between those hours for the Date Range you choose. *This is helpful if you are looking at measurements and trends for specific times of the day across a range of days. For example, you want to see how shift changes impact production. The same is true of breaks, lunches, end of shift, weekends, etc.
Closed Dispatches: Allows user to retrieve only Dispatches that are "Closed".
Opened During Timeframe: Allows user to retrieve only Dispatches that were started during a given time frame. Most Dispatches will start when they are created. Dispatches with the Dispatch Types setting "Start Down Time When Resource is Dispatched" enabled will start, begin accruing downtime, once a resource has been dispatched. It is not uncommon to have a gap between the time a Dispatch is created and when it is started.
Completed During Timeframe: Allows user to retrieve only Dispatches "Completed" during given timeframe. *If the Dispatch was Completed outside of the timeframe you are searching, your search results will be limited to only those Dispatches that were actually Completed during your timeframe.
Due During Timeframe: Allows user to retrieve only Dispatches "Due" during given timeframe.
Include Non-Production Machine-Server/Sites: Allows user to retrieve Dispatches from Non-Production Machines. *TIP: this is often overlooked and is frequently the culprit when returned report results don't reflect what you were expecting to see.
Currently Open / Not Completed: Allows user to retrieve only Currently Open, Not Completed Dispatches.
Dispatches on Critical Machines: Allows user to retrieve only Dispatches on identified "Critical Machines".
Past Due: Allows users to retrieve only those Dispatches that are "Past Due".