Many customers like to use Barcode Scanners to input their Spare Parts. Using barcode scanners within L2L is easy and straightforward.
Put the cursor in a search field, scan a barcode, and the barcode reader acts like a keyboard and types in the part number for you.
The L2L app will work with any barcode format that your barcode scanner can read. If the scanner is set up on the computer or mobile device, it will work with your current configuration.
Mobile devices (phones and tablets) don't have the ability to use the camera to scan things into our web app. L2L system users need to use a barcode scanner to scan into the web app and they act just like a keyboard.
"How can I scan something into Dispatch (running in a browser) in the Spares Module?" for example. In order to do this, you will need to connect a barcode scanner to the phone or tablet.
There are two options: a wired scanner that connects to the special port on the tablet used for charging the battery, or you can get a Bluetooth enabled scanner which will allow you to connect the two devices wirelessly. (Your local IT folks will be able to advise you further on the specifics of scanners and what your company's preference may be.)