Ever wonder why a particular Dispatch you are looking for does not appear in your Dispatch History Report? Or why your Scheduled On-Time % Trend Report is returning lower numbers than expected. I know. Me too. You're not alone.
You select your filters, you know that this Dispatch should be included. But it's not there. You know your Team completed a higher percentage of their PMs on time, but that's not what the report shows. Hmmm. What could the reason be?
Well, here is an answer that is very often overlooked. Very, very often.
Is the Dispatch you're trying to find associated with a 'Non-Production Machine'? Or are some of your PMs for Non-Production equipment? So often we are looking for Dispatches related to Production Machines, we forget that we have Non-Production equipment in our plants as well. Think of service elevators, bay doors, office equipment, eye wash stations, or furniture. Perhaps you have created a 'Dummy Machine' which you have designated as a Non-Production Machine.
When setting your report filters, try checking the "Include Non-Production Machines" box. That Dispatch you're looking for will suddenly appear, as if by magic! And your Team members will get the appreciation and recognition they deserve!
Happy Reporting, L2L'ers!