The purpose of the Yokoten Trend Report is to show people who work with the Yokoten module a snapshot comparison of Yokoten statuses over time. In other words it will show you how many Yokotens you had in each status on a specific date. There are a few little quirks, however, which I will explain below.
- New: How many Yokotens had the "New" status during the time frame. This does not show how many Yokotens were created during the time frame.
- On Hold: How many Yokotens had the "On Hold" status during the time frame.
- Planning: How many Yokotens had the "Planning" status during the time frame.
- Work in Progress: How many Yokotens had the "Work in Progress" status during the time frame.
- Completed: How many Yokotens were completed during the time frame.
- Past Due: How many active Yokotens (has a "New," "On Hold," "Planning," or "Work in Progress" status) that were past due during the time frame.
Additional Info
- Since Yokotens with the "Completed" status are no longer getting worked on, the Completed metric does not show the total number of complete Yokotens. The Completed status only shows how many Yokotens were completed during the time frame.
- If a Yokoten is re-opened, meaning it has a "Completed" status and is later changed to an open status, it will be counted twice. This report represents a snapshot in time. If a Yokoten is closed twice, it will be counted twice. If it is in the "Work in Progress" status twice, it will get counted twice.