Reports walkthrough-
Insight Engine-
This will allow you to build a report. Below explains the module settings. There are also templates to chose from that make all the right selections to view data. If you have made selections that do not work with each other the page will timeout.Output: Select the data table you wish to show.
Metric: Select how the data should be presented.
- Total Duration (minutes): shows the total amount of time associated with the data chosen in minutes.
- Total Duration (hours): shows the total amount of time associated with the data chosen in hours.
- Total Duration %: shows the total amount of time associated with the data chosen vs total amount of time for the date range selected.
- Average Duration(minutes): shows an average of time for the data chosen.
- Occurrences: shows the amount of entries in a data set for a date range.
Group by: Use none for chart views. Use other options when trying to use this engine to export data if you wish.
Date Range: range of data to be viewed.
Visualization: select a chart view or select a table(export to CSV) to export data.
Data Export-
This is the data export screen. This will allow the download of Connect data.
Assets: Select the asset or assets you wish to get data from.
From/To: Select the date range of the data.
Output: Select the data table you wish to extract.
Preview Data: Click on this to preview the data you will get based on the selections.
This is how the preview looks for a downtime data set. This will show a few lines of data when previewing. not the whole data set. If the data presented in this view is the data you wish to extract click on the generate full data set. This will remove the preview screen and show a small download button.
In the grey just below the form is the click to download button. Click this to download the csv of the dataset.
Utilization, Parts, Drilldown, Timeline (Standard Reports)-
Utilization Report
This is used to show the total amount of in-cycle time versus the whole date range as a percentage by default.
Assets: select the assets you wish to view.
From/To: date range to view
Time unit: select from total time or various time intervals.
By Shift: option to break time units into shifts as well as the time unit
Hours: View the actual amount of time or the percentages.
Parts Report
This is used to show the total amount of parts made for a date range.
Assets: select the assets you wish to view.
From/To: date range to view
Time unit: select from total time or various time intervals.
By Shift: option to break time units into shifts as well as the time unit
Drilldown Report
This is used to show total utilization by assets but more visually show assets in a group and their efficiency.
Timeline Report
This is used to show downtime/in-cycle in a timeline view for a single day. To select or deselect assets for this page use the User Settings button at the bottom of the screen. To change the date click on the date and select a new date.