We can check data tables to see what is coming in from the bots. This is useful when trying to troubleshoot where the breakdown in communication has occurred in the transit from bot to L2L. The tables sort of gives a mid point to start from.
The flow of data:
- Sensorbot reads input(s)
- Sensorbot sends data to gateway
- gateway sends data to Connect
- Connect data flows evaluates the data and makes table changes.
- Connect rules engine will read tables, make appropriate decisions, and send data to L2L
In troubleshooting, checking tables for data will either tell you to check steps 1,2 and 3 if there is no data in the table or 4 and 5 if there is data in the table.
The procedure to check tables for data:
First navigate to the page that has all the assets with their deviceIDs. Most of the time this is in the Machine Monitoring -> settings -> assets. Since this is customizable this could be in different places. When you find the asset you wish to check, click on the deviceID. this will bring up a little window at the top of the screen with the device id in it allowing you to copy the deviceID more easily.
After we get the correct deviceID, we will navigate to the tables. Usually this is in data models -> data. Again, this is customizable. The default tables are in the classic folder.
I have chosen to show downtime here but this works the same for any of the tables. Just above timeEnd is a filter. Click on that to bring up the filters screen.
Here we can choose any of these to start with. We will be using deviceID. Click on deviceID.
Paste the deviceID in the contains... box. This will bring up a little dropdown showing the deviceID again. Click on the dropdown. Then click on update filter.
This now shows one filter active. The filter screen can be closed out now. The table will now only show items based on the filter.
If data is in this table and the timestamps on the data are correct as expected then check rules engine for errors. If there is no data in this table or the timestamps don't match as in a machine is making parts today but the last timestamp for part count data was last week then investigate everything from the physical bot to the data flow in the cloud.