The Status Time Pareto allows the User to view the Dispatch data in terms of time for the Dispatch Status. Using this chart the user can identify how much time dispatches are waiting in Statuses such as the standard 'System Statuses': Machine Up, Idle, Work in Progress, and New. It also will show you any custom or site specific statuses you may have, such as Waiting for Parts, On Hold, Waiting for Inspection, etc.
First fill out the form. You can be as specific as you'd like here, or you can drill down once you're in the report.
This will bring you directly to any 'Areas' for your site. From there you can drill down to 'Dispatch Status' as viewed below. This will list any Dispatch Statuses for your site and the minutes assigned to each status.
You can further drill down by clicking on each status. Below you can see how long the Dispatch Status 'Idle' was assigned to each Area. You could drill down further to see Lines, Machines, Trades, etc.
If you want to have Custom Dispatch Statuses set up for your site, you can do this under Setup > Dispatch Statuses >Add New.
Note: Machine Up status will continue tracking until the Dispatch is Closed not just Completed. This may result in statuses between 24 hours and shifts displaying differently.
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