There are a number of ways to get to the Dispatch History report. The first way is to go to the Dispatch History report from the reports screen. The second way is to click the "History Detail" link at the top of many reports in Dispatch. Read more about the History Detail below.
Searchable Fields
- Area
- Line
- Machine
- Line Category
- Machine Attributes
- Manufacturers
- Tooling.
- Value Stream
- Technology
- Impact Type
- Dispatch Type
- Dispatch Type Category
- Action/Components
- Products
- Product Categories
- Submitted By
- Resource
- Date Range
- Start Date/Time:
- End Date/Time
- Shelf Time Per Day: Allows user to query a slice of time over a period of days. Select a date range and a time (i.e. 06:00-08:00) and select Shelf Time Per Day to receive data between those hours for the Date Range you choose. *This is helpful if you are looking at measurements and trends for specific times of the day across a range of days. For example, you want to see how shift changes impact production. The same is true of breaks, lunches, end of shift, weekends, etc.
- Closed Dispatches: this option will show all dispatches closed within the time frame, regardless of when they were created. It will also show all dispatches in that time frame but narrows down to closed, this doesn't mean it was closed during this timeframe but it was open during it.
- Created During Timeframe:
- Completed During Timeframe
- Due During Timeframe
- Dispatch Duration: Filters by the duration of an event. i.e. you have autolaunched dispatches and they are only open for 1 minute.
- Include Non-Production Machines
- Currently Open: This will show all open dispatches whether they are completed or not.
- Currently Open/Not Completed: This will show only open dispatches that are not completed, as you can have completed dispatches that are not closed.
- Dispatches On Critical Machines
- Past Due:
- Deleted:
- Dispatch #: The Dispatch number :-)
- Resource: Dispatched Resources (does not include Assigned Resources).
- Line: Line where the machine is located.
- Machine: The machine which the dispatch was logged against.
- Tooling: Tooling associated with the dispatch.
- Value Stream: Value Stream associated with the machine.
- Statuses: Each individual status a dispatch has been set to, along with the duration of each status.
- Reported/Completed/Man Hours: Date and time the Dispatch was reported, date and time the dispatch was completed, and the total amount of time a resource has been dispatched to the dispatch. (time in minutes)
- Time: Total elapsed time since the dispatch was created. (time in minutes)
- Dispatch Type: The dispatch type.
- Response Time: How much time passed between the time the dispatch was created and when the first resource was dispatched. (time in minutes)
- Comments: Comments on the dispatch.
History Detail
The History Detail link provides access to view the actual dispatches that make up the original report. This is helpful when drilling down deeper than the original report provides.
By selecting a specific checkbox in the reports section, you can view only the specified information you wish to view from the report you are running. Each checkbox will narrow or broaden the search scope requested from the report. By using the checkbox functions, you can review more precisely the information you hope to obtain from the History Report.
Note: You can only run one checked option at a time, otherwise you may return with "no data showing." To see everything, do not check any boxes.
Why History Detail Sometimes Doesn't Match Exactly
The history detail link is a great tool to drill to the lowest level when analyzing report data from L2L. Often times we get questions as to why the report doesn't match the history detail? The primary reason that the two don't match is due to the timeframe of the report. Let's say you run a downtime Pareto report for the past 7 days. It is very likely that there were open dispatches that overlapped your date ranges on both ends of the report date fields. With that said, the Pareto will show exact data for the timeframe you selected, however the history detail will show all information related to the dispatches that fall inside your report timeframe parameters. You may also find a discrepancy between the Time Pareto and the Dispatch Summary Report. You'll see that the Time Pareto minutes are not rounded, while the Dispatch Summary Report minutes are rounded. In addition, utilizing other custom report filters such as shelf time per day will also cause discrepancies between reports and their corresponding history detail as described above.
How The History Detail Report Is Helpful
Once you've drilled down and identified a problem you wish to dig into deeper, the history detail screen is a great way to view specific comments from the operator or technician, or see who are the subject matter experts so you can go gather more information from the source. It is also a great way to look for patterns or trends to help in identifying root causes.
Retrieving a Deleted Dispatch
Administrators in L2L can access the Dispatch History Report. Dispatch History Filters allow you to include Deleted Dispatches as well as only return Deleted Dispatch information. This filter is helpful when a Dispatch has been accidentally deleted and you can't remember the Dispatch #.
Note: For more information on the verbiage in this report and others, please read the article about Filters & Checkbox Options in Reports here.
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