The Schedule Summary Report provides a high-level view of the status of scheduled dispatches.
- On Time: Includes 1. dispatches that were completed on time within the time frame in the filter and 2. open dispatches (not completed) with a due date in the future.
- Past Due: Includes 1. dispatches that were completed after the due date within the time frame in the filter and 2. open dispatches with a due date in the past.
- On Time/Past Due Total: Includes all dispatches that were completed within the time frame in the filter and all open dispatches. Essentially, this is a sum of the On Time dispatches and Past Due dispatches.
- On-time percentage: "On Time" / "On Time/Past Due Total"
- Open: Dispatches that were launched within the time frame and are due within the time frame and have not been completed.
- Completed: Dispatches that were launched within the time frame and were completed within the time frame.
- Missed Complete: Count of Dispatches that were Missed, or Skipped. If a Scheduled PM is not completed within it's time frame (e.g. Daily PM isn't completed one day), the system will create a Dispatch as Closed to count a missed occurrence. These Dispatches will be counted as Missed Complete. Missed Complete Dispatches are only counted one time - they are not included in the "Completed" count.
- Open/Complete/Missed Total: All Dispatches that were launched within the time frame in the filter. Essentially, this is a sum of the Open Completed, and Missed Completed dispatches.
- Completion Percentage: "Completed" / "Open/Complete/Missed Total"
Helpful Tips
- Cycle Based schedules will show up on this report after they have been scheduled. Only schedules with a due date or a completion date show up on this report.
See Also