Steps to viewing and printing schedules
- Select the 'Scheduler' menu option
- Click on the 'View Calendar' icon next to the 'All Schedules' menu option
- This will open the Scheduler Calendar
- If needed use the 'Filter' option (upper right corner) to filter calendar based on area, line, resource, etc... (this is nice if you want to print or display schedules by area or resources, etc..)
- If 'Filter' is used click 'Apply' then click on 'Filter' icon to hide filter options
- Click 'Print' option located (upper right corner)
- This will take you to a print preview screen - click 'Print' again (upper right corner)
- This will take you to the printer screen. From here you can select the appropriate printer and print the calendar
Note: Based on the printer you may need to adjust printer options (scale) to get the best results and print details.
Scheduled Events on the Calendar
One Time Events - Only the 'Scheduled' date will appear on your calendar.
Cycle Based - Once launched, will appear on the calendar. This is because a cycle based event counts cycles, not days, and can't predict on a calendar when the next event will occur.
Scheduler Read Only viewing options
We are often asked how to give users with non-Administrator level access the ability to view Scheduled Events and the Schedule Calendar. Resources and Users need to have visibility to Scheduled Events as well.
For L2L account holders who are not Admins or who do not have Administrator level access in the Scheduler Module, all you have to do is click the hamburger icon to left of 'All Schedules' on the left hand side of the Menu page and you will be able to see a list of ALL Scheduled Events.
Likewise, to view Scheduled Events in the Calendar, click the Calendar icon just to the right of 'All Schedules'. You will see the Calendar.
Both of these options provide view only visibility, either to a list of All Scheduled Events or to the Scheduled Events Calendar. If you have any questions, please review with your Team L2L Admin or Site L2L Admin or Champion.
Scheduler => ALL Schedules
Scheduler => ALL Schedules => View Calendar