Documents can be tied to Products and available for Operators to fill out from the Operator Portal. This feature is for customers who are not using Product Orders, as a means to make documents visible that are related to the products currently being built. If you're using Product Orders, you can attach the document to the Product Order and it will be available from the product order or eKanban queue on the Operator Portal.
First, you'll select the document (checklist, file, link) from the dropdown in the Product screen.
Next, you'll enter in your Product for the pitch you are working on and save. Now, you'll see a section to the right of your pitches labeled 'Product Documents'. From there, you can click into the document to view or if it's a checklist, fill it out. This section will show any opened, unfinished checklists related to that product as well. It will only show you the current pitch's product document.
The 'New' button will open a new instance of the checklist in a new window.
A user can save a checklist and return to it later.
A user can fill out a checklist more than once.