Allowing Operators to check in on the Operator portal is an optional method for tracking production labor on a line and the current production order. Checking into a line requires a user to have access to the operator portal through a valid login. We require at least one user to Login through the regular Login screen (Via SSO or by using a username and password) to navigate to the operator portal for check-ins to occur.
If your site is using SSO (Single Sign On) there is a production setting that states "Require username and password when checking into the operator portal" which by default is on. This can be turned off and SSO will be implemented.
When this setting is turned off and you are using SSO and checking into a line, the system will use the currently logged-in user as the authenticated user. When additional users are checked in, the system will use the currently logged-in user as the created/updated user.
Alternatively, you can use one of the methods below:
- Disable the operator check-in functionality in the operator portal and use the operator count functionality.
- Use our L2L Badge Reader sample application to check-in operators using a low-cost RFID or barcode scanner at the line.
- Use our APIs to check operators in and out of lines from another system.
- Allow a team lead to have access to the system via L2L username and password to check-in operators on lines.
Here you can take a look at what the SSO feature looks like!