Group Skills into a Skill Profile and assign them to a Job Title or a Team
What is a Skill Profile?
A skill profile is a group of skills related to specific topics, categories, teams, or job titles/functions. Skill profiles allow you to group related skills and set the required level for each skill.
Skill profiles can be assigned to entire teams or specific job titles within a team, depending on the scope and relevance of the defined skills:
Assign to a Team
- Use this option when the skills are versatile and applicable to all users and job titles within that team. Assigning a skill profile to a team means that all users in that team will have these skills added to their portfolio.
Assign to Job Titles
- Use this option when the skills are relevant to only specified job titles within a team. Assigning a skill profile to a job title means only users with the selected job title(s) will have these skills added to their portfolio.
π‘ Note: You can assign a skill profile to multiple teams and job titles. For example, the skill profile below has been assigned to:
- The entire Minneapolis Maintenance team
- Users with the job title Senior Quality Technician in the Minneapolis Quality team
Create a Skill Profile
1. Click Smart Skills in the main menu
2. Select Skill Profiles
4. Enter the Skill Profile Name
5. Click + ADD SKILLS
6. Select the Skills that are required for this Skill Profile
Tip: Use the search bar or filter on specific tags to search for the skills
7. Select the required level for each Skill
8. Click NEXT
9. Click SAVE OR continue to assign the Skill Profile to a Team or Job Title
π£ Follow the step-by-step instructions in SwipeGuide
Edit a Skill Profile
1. Click Smart Skills in the main menu
2. Select Skill Profiles
3. Locate the Skill Profile and click the arrow next to the Skill Profile
4. Edit the Skill Profile Name or add/delete Skills
5. Click SAVE
π£ Follow the step-by-step instructions in SwipeGuide
Assign a Skill Profile to a Team or Job Title
1. Click Smart Skills in the main menu
2. Select Skill Profiles
3. Locate the Skill Profile and click the arrow next to the Skill Profile
4. Click Assign to...
5. Click + ADD TEAM & JOB TITLE to assign the Skill Profile to a Team and/or Job Title
6. Select a Team and/or Job Title
7. Click on the grey area to go back
8. Verify that the Skill Profile is assigned to all relevant Teams or Job Titles, then click SAVE.
π£ Follow the step-by-step instructions in SwipeGuide