PMs can repeat two different ways in L2L. Most schedules have repeat rules based on a time frame, such as monthly, weekly, etc. L2L also allows you to create a PM schedule based on cycle counts of a machine. This is especially helpful if a machine is used infrequently, which would cause it to have an irregular maintenance schedule.
Cycle-based PMs monitor the cycle count on a Machine, then launch a PM once the Machine's cycle count passes a pre-determined interval. Cycle counts can be updated manually. L2L also has two API methods so that the process to increment cycle counts can be automated.
The following is the process for an integration tool to increment a Machine's cycle time in L2L.
Update Machine Cycle Counts
Objective: Maintain accurate Machine cycle counts so that PMs are launched on time.
Suggest Interval: 1 hour during Machine operation
Process Outline:
- Retrieve either the current cycle count (e.g. odometer reading) or the cycle count delta (e.g. trip odometer) from your PLC, MES system, SCADA system, OPC server, etc.
- Update the cycle time on L2L. This can accomplished two ways:
- Set Cycle Count - use this to send the total cycle count of a machine. (preferred)
POST https://[customer][machine id]/?auth=[api key]&site=[site id]
- POST Parameters: `cyclecount=[total cycle count]`
- See official API documentation for full list of parameters
- Increment Cycle Count - use this to send the number of cycles that were performed since the last time cycle counts were updated on a Machine. This can be used if cycle counts are being calculated based off of production actuals.
POST https://[customer][machine id]/?auth=[api key]&site=[site id]
- POST Parameters: `cyclecount=[delta cycle count]`
- See official API documentation for full list of parameters
- Set Cycle Count - use this to send the total cycle count of a machine. (preferred)