Work Order Dashboard
To access the work order dashboard screen, select “Work Orders” from the left-hand main menu and select “Dashboard” from the menu that appears. This will navigate you to the Work Orders Dashboard page, which will notify you to select at least one Parent or Project Work Order using the Filters option in the upper right of the screen.
The Dashboard page for a given project can also be accessed via the Work Orders Planner page; in the right-most column, labeled “Links”, you can select the “Dashboard” icon for any given project.
You can also access the Dashboard for a particular project or sub-project from within any Work Order Details page. In the upper right of the Work Order Details page, click on the “Links” button to expand the drop-down menu and select the “Dashboard” icon/option. This will navigate you to the dashboard for the active Work Order (project or sub-project).
Dashboard Contents
The dashboard has several available widgets which you can enable or disable as desired to customize the dashboard view. Each of the optional widgets is listed below:
The Resources widget for the project dashboard displays a graphical breakdown of the available resource positions for the selected project into "filled" and "remaining" statuses, as well as a numerical ratio of "filled" to total available positions.
- Positions available refers to the count of all resource records for the project work order and all sub-project work orders, including those without a selected resource.
- Positions filled is a count of all resource records for the project work order and a sub-project work orders in which a resource has been selected.
- Remaining positions is the delta between positions available and positions filled.
Resource Progress
The Progress widget on the project dashboard includes a status bar representing the total estimated resource time for all completed work orders of the project against the sum of all estimated resource hours for the project and its sub-projects.
- Estimated Time is equal to the sum of all resource estimated hours for the project work order and its offshoots.
- Completed Time is the sum of all resource estimated hours for completed work orders, including the project work order and its entire child tree.
- Remaining time is calculated as the delta between Estimated time and Completed time, and the Percent Completed is Completed Time divided by Estimated Time.
Launched Work Orders
The Launched Work Orders widget displays a graphical representation of each launched sub-project work order, which coincides with all cards of the “Launched” Work Order Kanban column, for a project work order. Each work order is represented as a colored card which includes the work order description, designated trade and trade color code, and assigned resources. The color of the card indicates whether the work order is on schedule (green) or overdue (red).
The dashboard view for Work Orders provides a helpful way to view overall status of a project or sub-project or multiple projects or sub-projects at your site, including activities progress and resource assignment and utilization.
Gantt Chart
The Gantt Chart provides a high-level calendar view of one or more Work Order Projects. Allows planners to identify and resolve resource, tooling and scheduling conflicts and process dependencies across multiple projects. The Gantt Chart is built from information provided in the Project Work Order.
To get started, you'll need to select one or more Work Order Projects from the filter. On the left, you'll see the projects along with +/- buttons to expand and collapse Child Work Orders, Scheduled Machines and Resources. The body of the Gantt Chart displays the timeline for the entirety of the project as well as individual Child Work Orders, along with machines and resources needed to complete those tasks.
If you expand the Child Work Orders; the green bars in the body of the Gantt Chart resemble the Child Work Orders across a timeframe of the scheduled to due dates selected in the work order. Any orange arrows are dependencies that you can set within the Work Orders.
Expanding the Scheduled Machines under the Child Work Orders will display orange bars in the body of the Gantt Chart. Scheduled Machines are the equipment or tooling that will be used to complete the work orders.
Finally, expanding the Resources will display all resources assigned or needed to complete the Child Work Orders.
Note: Only 25 Work Order Projects display at a time.
Project Planning/Work Orders Labor Summary Report
The Labor Summary Report rolls up totals and estimates for costs associated with the labor that goes into a Work Order. This Report can be found via link in the upper right of a Work Order.
The report breaks down each individual Resource who performed work on the Project. It also lists their Trade. The Actual Hours come from the time spent on the Dispatch, while the Estimate comes from the Resource Calendar.
The next section covers time associated with checklist tasks. Estimated Time comes from the entry on the checklist when 'trade and duration' is enabled and entered. The Checklist needs to be attached to the Dispatch launched from the Work Order. The Resource is the individual who worked on the task (this will be entered after the person completes the task). The Trade is the trade associated with the task in the trade/duration section of the checklist. Earned hours is the same as the estimate, but gets added incrementally as the checklist tasks are completed. Note: To see the earned hours increment, you'd need to save after each individual task is completed. The Percent shows how much of the checklist is complete until you reach 100%. Note: If a Material Control Trade is listed under the trade to complete the task on the checklist, but an Electrician completed the task, it will show the electrician's name but the trade will remain as Material Control on the Labor Summary Report.
The Child Work Orders section totals up the resources and checklist hours from the child work orders themselves. Note: Resources don't have Earned Hours, so the Child Work Order portion leaves the 'Resource Earned Hours' blank.
The Totals section sums up the current work order along with the child work orders. The Estimated Hours come from the Checklist Tasks. The Actual Hours come from the time logged into the Dispatch. The Earned Hours come from the Checklist Tasks. Actual + Earned is the total time spent on the Dispatch and earned from the Checklist.
Project Planning/Work Orders Cost Summary Report
The Labor Summary Report rolls up totals and estimates for costs associated with the labor that goes into a Work Order. This Report can be found via link in the upper right of a Work Order.
The report breaks down each individual Resource who performed work on the Project. It also lists their Trade. The Actual Hours come from the time spent on the Dispatch, while the Estimate comes from the Resource Calendar.
The next section covers time associated with checklist tasks. Estimated Time comes from the entry on the checklist when 'trade and duration' is enabled and entered. The Checklist needs to be attached to the Dispatch launched from the Work Order. The Resource is the individual who worked on the task (this will be entered after the person completes the task). The Trade is the trade associated with the task in the trade/duration section of the checklist. Earned hours is the same as the estimate, but gets added incrementally as the checklist tasks are completed. Note: To see the earned hours increment, you'd need to save after each individual task is completed. The Percent shows how much of the checklist is complete until you reach 100%. Note: If a Material Control Trade is listed under the trade to complete the task on the checklist, but an Electrician completed the task, it will show the electrician's name but the trade will remain as Material Control on the Labor Summary Report.
The Child Work Orders section totals up the resources and checklist hours from the child work orders themselves. Note: Resources don't have Earned Hours, so the Child Work Order portion leaves the 'Resource Earned Hours' blank.
The Totals section sums up the current work order along with the child work orders. The Estimated Hours come from the Checklist Tasks. The Actual Hours come from the time logged into the Dispatch. The Earned Hours come from the Checklist Tasks. Actual + Earned is the total time spent on the Dispatch and earned from the Checklist.