The Work Order Planner screen is useful to view one or all Work Order Projects by status. You can view All statuses or by certain statuses (Planning Statuses include: New, Waiting Parts, Reviewing, Needs Approval; In Process Statuses include: Approved, Ready to Schedule, Scheduled, Launched, On Hold; and Completed Statuses include: Completed, Closed and Denied).
Once you've pulled up the status you want, you'll see several columns displayed. The first column is the Project Work Order Number followed by the Description. Scheduled and Due Dates are listed. Where this screen is unique is in the following four columns. The Duration of the Work Order Project displays the number of days the project is scheduled to take from start to finish. The Progress bar displays how much work has been completed so far on the project using total completed child work orders/ total child work orders. The Resources column displays the number of resources assigned to the project.
The links to the far right will bring you to the Dashboard, Gantt Chart, Kanban Board or Cost Summary Report for that particular Work Order Project.
The Kanban Board is useful as a visual Resource Management tool to view Work Orders by status. Users of the Project Based Production Work Order functionality will be able to use this filtered by project id, resource trade, or resource as a planning and management tool.
You'll need to select a Project or Work Order from the Filter before the screen will display anything. You can choose one Work Order or multiple from the dropdown. Any Child Work Orders of the Parent selected will also be displayed in the Kanban Board. You can select a Trade and/or Resource to filter on as well. The Status filter along with the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons allow you to view New, Waiting Parts, Reviewing, Needs Approval, Approved, Ready to Schedule, Scheduled, Launched, On Hold, Completed, Closed and Denied Work Orders. You can filter to one or multiple, to view where in the process the Work Order resides.
You can drag and drop the Work Orders to different columns on the Kanban board.
When a Work Order is launched, you'll see the Resources' image along with a play icon letting you know the Work Order is being worked on. If the Work Order was started after the scheduled date, the Kanban board will display a clock icon next to it.
Note: There is a limit of 50 Work Orders per column. The system will display a message if your filters exceed the limit.