As most of you are aware, L2L performs routine Server Maintenance on a regular basis, as should every software provider. We also regularly perform Server Upgrades and release Security enhancements.
What does this mean to you as a user and what might you expect? When Leading2Lean performs Server Maintenance, it has been our practice for the L2L Customer Site Representative to coordinate timing of the upgrade with our Site Point of Contact. Our POC is often your Site L2L Champion. We look for a time that is the least disruptive for your facility. When the agreed upon time is confirmed, we post a banner in Dispatch announcing the time the upgrade is scheduled. Site Champions advise the teams and often post a banner announcement as well.
If the Server Maintenance is relatively minor, you should notice no disruption or interruptions while you're working. However, if the maintenance takes place overnight or on the weekend, and you have an active L2L session running, you may notice an interruption when you return.
For some users, the only action necessary is to refresh your session. You may have to log out of L2L completely and log back into your account as well.
Users who are logged in during an upgrade, whether their session is active or idle, may continue to see a message like 'SERVER MAINTENANCE IN PROCESS' even after the maintenance has been completed.
This is particularly true for those users who work from a bookmarked page. Browsers cache messages and the message may continue to be displayed until you do one of the following:
- Initiate a new L2L session after completely logging out of L2L
- Try using a different browser
- Delete your bookmarked page and then manually type in the URL for your company:
Following more significant upgrades, which are performed annually, the IP address for your company might change. If this happens, we will provide the new IP address which your local IT department can then whitelist as a known, safe IP address.
For customers who use Single Sign On (LDAP, SAML, SSO) applications, any new IP address will also need to be added so your IT department can edit / whitelist it.