1. Go to an existing Guide and click on the Guide menu
2. Click "Share"
3. You will now see the QR code, URL and Embed code for the entire Guide
4. Click "Copy embed code"
You can now use the code to make an iframe on your website to the guide.
Note: When you want to embed a single instruction, you can follow the same steps only that in this case you start by clicking the burger menu of the instruction.
Additional settings
If you want to force a language of the embed, you can force your German website to have the German guide instead of the user’s browser default. Add after the url in the embed code “locale=de_DE”.
Note: You can only choose from one of the locales available for your platform. If you want to have more languages available on your platform, contact us through the platform chat or email.
If you want to embed a single instruction instead of the whole guide, you can remove all the extra navigation from the top bar and last step in the instruction. This can be done by adding “&isolatedInstruction=true” after the url in the embed code.