Learn how to use links in your instruction steps
Refer a User to follow the Instructions from a different Guide
In order to refer a User within a step to a different step or to any other external source all you need to do is:
Go on your SwipeGuide platform viewer to the Instruction you want to share
Copy the link of the step from the browser (you can copy the link of any other external source)
Add a link to your Step
1. Go to an existing guide and click on the Guide menu
2. Go to the step you want to place the link into
3. Click the linking icon
4. Enter "Link Title" which is going to be the title that contains the link
5. Enter "Link Target" which is where you need to paste the URL of the step or external source you want to refer the User to
6. Click "Add"
7. Click "SAVE" to save the content of your step