Whitelist URLs
Below you will find a list of URLs that need to be whitelisted. Be sure to share this list with your IT department at the beginning of the onboarding process to ensure you can access the SwipeGuide platform.
Core services
- *.swipeguide.com
- res.cloudinary.com
- api.cloudinary.com
- *.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
- at.alicdn.com
- China only: at.alicdn.com
- Native App only: cdn.jsdelivr.net
- fonts.googleapis.com
- stats.g.doubleclick.net
- swipeguide.thoughtspot.cloud
- www.google-analytics.com
- www.google.com
- *.gstatic.com
- Sentry.io
- *.statuspage.io
- *.intercom.io
- *.intercomcdn.com
- uploads.intercomusercontent.com
- static.intercomassets.com
Supported Devices
Click here for a list of the supported devices for the SwipeGuide Native App.
Click here for a list of the supported devices for the Smart Skills App.