Capture feedback and improvement ideas from users to continuously improve jobs aids
SwipeGuide Feedback allows users to leave feedbacks and improvement ideas in your content.
As a Platform Admin, Admin and Editor, you can review those to continuously improve jobs aids.
Set up the Notifications for your Team(s) π£
2. Click on the Team you want to manage
3. Click the "Notifications" tab
4. Select who should receive guide related email notifications
- Select "Everyone on the team" to send all the notifications to all members of a Team
- Select "Team members working on the Guide" to limit the notifications to only the relevant users within a Team
Note: If you select "Team members working on the Guide", Notifications coming from User Feedback on your Guide, will be shared only with the Guide Assignee.
Check the feedbacks on the Editor Platform π¬
Even if you don't receive a Feedback email notification, you can access it directly on your Guide.
1. Go to an existing Guide
2. Click on the Guide Menu
3. Click "View feedback"
4. You can now see the feedbacks left on Guide/Instruction and Step level per date and time