Kaizen Settings
Kaizen Notification Settings
These settings give you the ability to notify owners, approvers, and/or requesters for kaizens by selecting True or False in the dropdown.
- Send a notification to the new owner of a kaizen when assigned from routing rules.
- Send a notification to the approvers of a kaizen when assigned from routing rules.
- Send a notification to the owner and requester when kaizen is denied.
- Send a notification to the owner and requester when the kaizen is approved.
- Send a notification to the owner and requester when kaizen is started.
- Send a notification to the owner and requester when kaizen is completed.
Miscellaneous Settings
- Allow Kaizen follow ups to a Dispatch: If true, allows a resource to choose ‘Kaizen’ in the follow up button at the bottom of a Dispatch.
Kaizen Security Settings
- Go to ‘Lean Tools’ via the menu tab on left side of the main screen, now go to ‘Kaizen’ and click on ‘Settings’.
- To add Administrative Users click ‘Add New’ located in the upper right corner on the ‘Kaizen Security Settings’ bar.
- Search and select the user from the drop-down list.
- Select the necessary clearance:
- Approvers can approve Kaizens. Note: Approvers can’t edit Kaizens.
- Administrators can approve Kaizens and set up categories and permissions.
Adding a new Kaizen
Administrators can set up Categories & Priorities for Kaizens using the 'Add New' button in the respective screen. Note: there is a default setting. You'll need to change it in the Kaizen if you don't want the default setting.
How to add a new Kaizen:
- Name your Kaizen.
- Choose a Category.
- Choose Areas, Lines, and Machines.
- Finally, Describe your Kaizen. Save.
Once your Kaizen has been saved, you can go back in and Edit more details.
- You can edit the Priority.
- You'll also see who has to 'Approve' your Kaizen and the status of the 'Approval'.
By design, only Owners and Administrators (not Approvers) can edit a Kaizen. This prevents others from changing the intent of the Kaizen.
- Add cost savings, documents, and attachments. This is also where you can update the status of the Kaizen to Pending, Approved, Denied, Working on, Completed, and Closed.
- Now you want to associate some follow up actions to the Kaizen. Below the body of the Kaizen, you will see Kaizen Actions. On the far right end of the gray Kaizen Actions toolbar, you will see Add. Click the Add link and the following options will display:
Create Dispatch
Create Work Order
Create Yokoten
Clicking on one of these links will take you to a Dispatch, Work Order, or Yokoten creation page.
Pro Tip for Kaizen Routing Rules and Notifications
When setting up Routing Rules for Kaizens, make sure the people you include in Routing and Notifications have valid email addresses. Users may have active L2L accounts, but unless a valid email address is configured in their User Profile, they will not receive prompts to approve, review, deny, etc. They will also not receive Notifications.
Use Kaizen Routing Rules to establish routing for approval status and requirements, ownership and notifications.
Note: If you are not able to find an Owner, Approver, etc. in the drop-down selector, or if someone is not receiving these types of notifications via email as expected, check their user profile and make sure a valid email address is included with their account. It's a simple housekeeping item that is easily overlooked.
In order for any person with an L2L account to receive email notifications, they must first have a valid email address associated with their account.
Check out this video on Digital Kaizen Management.