Yokoten is a Lean Manufacturing tool that translates to 'Share Sideways'. When improvements are made in large organizations, they need to be spread across the organization to like machines and processes. The Yokoten tool helps businesses manage the sharing of improvements across the organization.
Note: The Lean Execution Modules are separate from the Dispatch module. Contact a Leading2Lean Sr. Account Manager to turn this feature on at your site.
- Show the Priority field on the ‘Add’ Yokoten screen: Allows the administrator to set the priority of the Yokoten project.
- Show the Due Date field on the ‘Add’ Yokoten screen: Allows the administrator to show the due date of the Yokoten for implementation.
- Show the Owner field on the ‘Add’ Yokoten screen: Allows the administrator of the Yokoten to be visible.
- Show the Trade field on the ‘Add’ Yokoten screen: Allows the Administrator to identify the Trade to work on the Yokoten.
Yokoten Notification Settings
These settings give you the ability to notify owners, approvers, and/or requesters for Yokotens by selecting True or False in the dropdown.
- Send a notification to the new owner of a Yokoten when assigned from routing rules.
- Send a notification to the approvers of a Yokoten when assigned from routing rules.
- Send a notification to the owner and requester when Yokoten is denied.
- Send a notification to the owner and requester when the Yokoten is approved.
- Send a notification to the owner and requester when Yokoten is started.
- Send a notification to the owner and requester when Yokoten is completed.
Dispatch Type: Select the Dispatch Type to be launched by the Yokoten.
Yokoten Security Settings
- Go to ‘Lean Tools’ via the menu tab on left side of the main screen, now go to ‘Yokoten’ and click on ‘Settings’.
- To add Administrative Users click ‘Add New’ located in the upper right corner on the ‘Yokoten Security Settings’ bar.
- Search and select the user from the drop-down list.
- Select the necessary clearance:
- Approver can approve Yokotens.
- Owner can add new Yokotens, own Yokotens, and view all Yokotens.
- Administrator can administrate Yokoten creation, update and complete on local site.
Yokoten Statuses
Statuses are used on the Yokoten edit page by the Administrator to manage the process. The system has 8 System Statuses that cannot be modified and the ability to add Site Statuses as required.
To enter a new Site Status, simply select the 'Add New' button at the top of the screen.
Yokoten Priorities
Priorities are customized by each site. Simply decide on a priority system to be used for Yokoten, then select 'Add New' to create a new status.
Yokoten Categories
Another custom field that allows the additional management of the Yokotens. Use this field to categorize the Yokotens into families, types, cost, etc.
Adding New Yokoten
- Select "All Yokotens" from the Main Menu
- Select 'Add New' in the top right-hand portion of the page.
Enter applicable information about the Yokoten.
Note: Most fields on the Add New screen are populated through dropdown menus. These menus are set during the 'Setup' process. To see the Yokoten-Setup instructions click here.
- Description: User input field that allows a custom name for the Yokoten
- Category: Dropdown menu of predetermined category selections.
- Trade Field: The dropdown menu identifies the Trade required to perform work on the Yokoten.
- Owner: Also can be considered the champion. The individual selected to see the project through. Owners must be given permission in Yokoten Security Settings to be selected here.
- Requested By: The person requesting the Yokoten.
- Priority Field: Allows the Administrator to set the priority of the Yokoten project.
- Due Dates: Allows the Administrator to show the Due Date of the Yokoten for implementation. The 'Set All' allows the Owner to apply a single 'Due Date' from this field to be applied to all machines that require this Yokoten.
- Details: Open input field to add critical notes about the Yokoten and instructions on how to proceed
- Machines: Using the 'Add' button to the right, add all machines that are affected by this Yokoten and require work to complete.
Managing the Yokoten
- Once the Yokoten is added, it will now show in the list on the Yokoten page.
Should you desire to only view all 'New' Yokotens, select the 'New' button in the Main Menu.
- Select the Yokoten you wish to manage. This will open the Yokoten Detail screen.
- Select 'Edit'
- Once the 'Edit' button is selected, the fields to manage the Yokoten will open for input.
Machines: Using the 'Add' button on the right, Machines can be added to the Yokoten. There is no limit to the amount of machines that can be added.
- Dispatch: This is where you will find the dispatch links for each machine. You will also have the option to launch a single dispatch from this spot or 'Launch All' from here.
- Note: Additional machines must be saved before Launch button will work in edit mode.
- Scheduled: In this area, a schedule can be set when the work on the Yokoten projects should begin.
- Due: A due date can be set for the Yokoten project.
- Complete: When dispatches are completed the date of completion will show in this column and the 'Machine Up' status will show next to the dispatch number.
- Note: The Completed Date field is automatically generated once the Dispatch has been completed and closed. It's not an editable field. You can view it on the not editable Yokoten view, but once you click edit, it is not visible because it's not editable.
- Attachments, Documents, and Notes all work as standard throughout the L2L software.
- Yokoten. If the site is added, the Yokoten will show up in their New Yokoten list.
- Parent Yokoten: The Parent Yokoten link when used will take you to the site issuing the original Yokoten.
- Sites: Here you can add the sites that will need to disposition if they need to implement the Yokoten. If the site is added, the Yokoten will show up in their New Yokoten List.
Pro Tip: Have you had an awesome Kaizen that you want to share with another site so they can
leverage the benefit that you achieved? The Yokoten tool helps businesses manage the
sharing of improvements across the organization. By clicking on the ‘Add Site’ link within the
Yokoten on your site, you can share it with another site on your server:
When you share with another site, the shared Yokoten will not carry the category of the sending site. The Yokoten will be added to the new site with the default category of that site. If you have routings and notifications set up in the shared site Yokoten settings, when a Yokoten is shared, it will not trigger notifications in the shared site. As a User or Administrator of the shared site, you will need to look for the shared Yokoten as it comes in and you can then edit and manage the new Yokoten to completion.
Check out this video for more information about Yokoten.