Details on data field availability and descriptions per source for Data API.
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Refresh Frequency: Daily
logical_table_identifier: 2cb84f36-fc25-4fd0-8f71-2a8d2e65089f
Field Name | API Request Field Name | Description | Notes |
Workspace Id | [Workspace Id] | Unique ID of a workspace | |
Workspace Name | [Workspace Name] | Workspace name | |
Workspace Created At | [Workspace Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which the workspace was created | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Workspace Updated At | [Workspace Updated At].detailed | Timestamp at which the workspace was updated | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Workspace Deleted At | [Workspace Deleted At].detailed | Timestamp at which the workspace was deleted | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Guide Id | [Guide Id] | Unique ID of a guide | |
Guide Title | [Guide Title] | Title of the guide in its default language | |
Guide Created At | [Guide Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which the guide was created | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Guide Updated At | [Guide Updated At].detailed | Timestamp at which the guide was updated | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Guide Archived | [Guide Archived] | Flag indicating whether or not a guide is archived | |
Guide Publish Status | [Guide Publish Status] | Publish status of a guide | |
Guide Copied From | [Guide Copied From] | Guide Id of the parent guide, if this guide was created as a copy | |
Topic Id | [Topic Id] | Unique ID of a topic | |
Topic Title | [Topic Title] | Title of the topic in its default language | |
Topic Position | [Topic Position] | Position of a topic within a guide. Zero indexed | |
Topic Created At | [Topic Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which the topic was created | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Topic Updated At | [Topic Updated At].detailed | Timestamp at which the topic was updated | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Topic Archived | [Topic Archived] | Flag indicating whether or not a topic is archived | |
Topic Visible | [Topic Visible] | Flag indicating whether or not a topic is visible | |
Instruction Id | [Instruction Id] | Unique ID of an instruction | |
Instruction Title | [Instruction Title] | Title of the instruction in its default language | |
Instruction Position | [Instruction Position] | Position of an instruction within a topic. Zero indexed | |
Instruction Type | [Instruction Type] | Indicates whether the instruction is a checklist or normal instruction | |
Instruction Created At | [Instruction Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which the instruction was created | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Instruction Updated At | [Instruction Updated At].detailed | Timestamp at which the instruction was updated | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Instruction Archived | [Instruction Archived] | Flag indicating whether or not an instruction is archived | |
Instruction Publish Status | [Instruction Publish Status] | Publish status of an instruction | |
Step Id | [Step Id] | Unique ID of a step | |
Step Text | [Step Text] | Text of the step in its default language | Formatting may vary slightly from SwipeGuide platform due differences in html decoding |
Step Position | [Step Position] | Position of a step within an instruction. Zero indexed | |
Step Created At | [Step Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which the step was created | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Step Updated At | [Step Updated At].detailed | Timestamp at which the step was updated | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Step Archived | [Step Archived] | Flag indicating whether or not a step is archived | |
Assigned Team Id | [Assigned Team Id] | Unique ID of the team that is assigned to a guide | |
Assigned Team Name | [Assigned Team Name] | Name of the team assigned to a guide | |
Parent Id | [Parent Id] | ID of the parent of feedback and/or tag | Parent can be a guide, instruction, or step. Hierarchy level flag indicates which level of hierarchy it is related to. |
URL | [URL] | URL of the content item in the viewer platform | |
Events Join Key | [Events Join Key] | Key used for joining the Events source data to its relevant content | |
Pagination Timestamp | [Pagination Timestamp].detailed | Timestamp indicating the most recent timestamp per row | Used for page sorting during API calls. At finest level of content detail per row in underlying table. In case of querying at higher level of detail than [Step Id], it may be best to choose a different timestamp for pagination reference. Otherwise duplicate rows may be retrieved. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Refresh Frequency: 20 minutes
logical_table_identifier: ebe1aaf3-eb0f-4c23-a743-b3364a78bf33
Field Name | API Request Field Name | Description | Notes |
Event Id | [Event Id] | Unique ID of the event | |
Event Timestamp | [Event Timestamp].detailed | Timestamp at which the event was created | Indicates the starting time of a page view. Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Event User Id | [Event User Id] | Unique ID of the user linked to the event | Only available for users signing in with SSO or with email and password |
User Session Id | [User Session Id] | Unique ID of the user session | A session is defined as continuous activity by a single user with no breaks of >30 minutes |
Event Duration | [Event Duration] | Duration of time spent per page view event in seconds | Calculated as the difference between the starting timestamps of two back-to-back page views within the same user session |
Content Join Key | [Content Join Key] | Foreign key for joining to Content table | |
Check Answer Id | [Check Answer Id] | ID of check answer | Only applicable when event was created during a checklist submission |
Refresh Frequency: Daily
logical_table_identifier: 8fc7d097-b7df-41d7-bccb-9abe44387a0c
Field Name | API Request Field Name | Description | Notes |
Tag Id | [Tag Id] | Unique ID of the tag | |
Tag Title | [Tag Title] | Title of the tag in its default language | |
Tag Created At | [Tag Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which the tag was created | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Tag Updated At | [Tag Updated At].detailed | Timestamp at which the tag was updated | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Tag Is Archived | [Tag Is Archived] | Flag indicating whether or not a tag is archived | |
Tag Content | [Tag Content] | Tag titles in all available languages | JSON with locale & title stored as key:value pairs |
Tag Default Locale | [Tag Default Locale] | Default locale & language of the tag | |
Parent Id | [Parent Id] | ID of the content item that a tag is linked to | |
Parent Type | [Parent Type] | Type of content of the parent (example: Guide, Instruction, or Skill) |
Refresh Frequency: Daily
logical_table_identifier: ec0d1566-e255-4d90-9f21-e40c4d0a0cff
Field Name | API Request Field Name | Description |
Feedback Id | [Feedback Id] | Unique ID of the feedback item |
Feedback Text | [Feedback Text] | Text of the feedback |
Feedback Created At | [Feedback Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which the feedback item was created. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Feedback Updated At | [Feedback Updated At].detailed | Timestamp at which the feedback item was updated. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Parent ID | [Parent ID] | ID of the content item that a tag is linked to |
Refresh Frequency: 20 minutes
logical_table_identifier: f727b950-03cd-439f-989d-bc8c5a9a45ba
Field Name | API Request Field Name | Description | Notes |
Workspace Id | [Workspace Id] | Unique ID of a workspace | |
Workspace Name | [Workspace Name] | Workspace name | |
Guide Id | [Guide Id] | Unique ID of a guide | |
Guide Title | [Guide Title] | Title of the guide in its default language | |
Checklist Id | [Checklist Id] | Unique ID of a checklist | |
Checklist Title | [Checklist Title] | Title of the checklist in its default language | |
Check Id | [Check Id] | Unique ID of a checklist | A check in a checklist is hierarchically equivalent to a step in an instruction |
Check Position | [Check Position] | Position of a check within a checklist. Zero indexed | |
Check Text | [Check Text] | Text of a check in its default language | Equivalent to 'step text' in the Content table |
Assigned Team Id | [Assigned Team Id] | Unique ID of the team that is assigned to a guide | |
Assigned Team Name | [Assigned Team Name] | Name of the team assigned to a guide | |
Checklist Answer Id | [Checklist Answer Id] | Unique ID of the checklist answer | This is for the answer for the entire checklist |
Check Answer Id | [Check Answer Id] | Unique ID of the check answer | A check is one component of a checklist. This ID is for the answer to a particular check rather than the entire checklist |
Check Answer Value | [Check Answer Value] | Value of response to an individual check | |
Check Feedback | [Check Feedback] | Feedback for an individual check | |
Check Answer Media Url | [Check Answer Media Url] | URL to image or video shared with check answer | |
Answer Created At | [Answer Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which the checklist answer was created | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Checklist User Id | [Checklist User Id] | ID of the user who answered a checklist | Only available for users signing in with SSO or with email and password |
Checklist User Name | [Checklist User Name] | User inputted name when they submit a checklist | |
Pagination Timestamp | [Pagination Timestamp].detailed | Timestamp indicating the most recent timestamp per row | Used for page sorting during API calls. At finest level of content detail per row in underlying table. In case of querying at higher level of detail than [Check Id], it may be best to choose a different timestamp for pagination reference. Otherwise duplicate rows may be retrieved. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Refresh Frequency: Hourly
logical_table_identifier: dc8cc054-42a2-4258-b363-5017f99326c9
Field Name | API Request Field Name | Description | Notes |
Workspace Id | [Workspace Id] | Unique ID of a workspace | |
Workspace Name | [Workspace Name] | Workspace name | |
Guide Id | [Guide Id] | Unique ID of a guide | |
Guide Title | [Guide Title] | Title of the guide in its default language | |
Topic Id | [Topic Id] | Unique ID of a topic | |
Instruction Id | [Instruction Id] | Unique ID of an instruction | |
Instruction Title | [Instruction Title] | Title of the instruction in its default language | |
Assigned Team Id | [Assigned Team Id] | Unique ID of the team that is assigned to a guide | |
Assigned Team Name | [Assigned Team Name] | Name of the team assigned to a guide | |
Signoff Id | [Signoff Id] | Unique ID of sign-off | |
Signoff Title | [Signoff Title] | Title of sign-off | |
Signoff Publish Status | [Signoff Publish Status] | Publish status of a sign-off | |
Signoff Default Locale | [Signoff Default Locale] | Default language for the sign-off | |
Signoff Assigned Team Id | [Signoff Assigned Team Id] | Unique ID of the team assigned to the sign-off | |
Signoff Created At | [Signoff Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which the sign-off was created | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Signoff Updated At | [Signoff Updated At].detailed | Timestamp at which the sign-off was updated | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Signoff Result Text | [Signoff Result Text] | Value of the sign-off result | Number indicating the value of the sign-off result. Meaning depends on the Sign-off Question Type. Final "translated" result found in [Signoff Result Value] field |
Signoff Follow Up Result | [Signoff Follow Up Result] | Value of the follow-up question result | User inputted answer to follow-up question |
Signoff Result Id | [Signoff Result Id] | Unique ID of the sign-off result | |
Signoff Question Type | [Signoff Question Type] | Type of sign-off question | Options include text, star, etc. |
User Platform Locale | [User Platform Locale] | ||
Signoff Result User Id | [Signoff Result User Id] | ID of the user who submitted the sign-off result | Only available for users signing in with SSO or with email and password |
Signoff Result User Name | [Signoff Result User Name] | Name of the user who submitted the sign-off result | This is a user submitted response |
Signoff Guide Version Id | [Signoff Guide Version Id] | ID of the guide version that the sign-off was attached to upon result submission | |
Signoff Result Created At | [Signoff Result Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which the sign-off result was submitted | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Signoff Question Updated At | [Signoff Question Updated At].detailed | Timestamp at which the sign-off question was last updated | Timezone is UTC. Returns as Unix epoch time. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Number of Ratings | [Number of Ratings] | Number of rating options available for the user to answer from | For example, a "Star" question could offer 3 stars to choose from, hence 3 rating options |
Text Type Options | [Text Type Options] | In case of TEXT question, the selection options are listed here | |
Follow Up Type | [Follow Up Type] | Type of follow-up question | |
Follow Up Default Text | [Follow Up Default Text] | Follow up text in its default language | |
Signoff Result Value | [Signoff Result Value] | Sign-off result value | Translated to match the type of question. In case of TEXT type, the option selected in shown here. In case of YES/NO type, Yes or No is shown here. In case of PASS/FAIL type, Pass or Fail is shown here. In case of STAR or NUMBER type, the number of the rating is shown here. |
Question Default Text | [Question Default Text] | Sign-off question text in its default language |
Users & Teams.
Refresh Frequency: Daily
logical_table_identifier: 22482696-5234-44cd-aae8-835c586a4919
Field Name | API Request Field Name | Description |
Workspace Id | [Workspace Id] | Unique ID of a workspace |
Workspace Name | [Workspace Name] | Workspace name |
Team Id | [Team Id] | Unique ID of a team |
Team Name | [Team Name] | Team name |
Team Deleted At | [Team Deleted At].detailed | Timestamp at which the team was deleted. ".detailed" suffix forces lowest level of detail |
Parent Team Id | [Parent Team Id] | ID of the parent team when team hierarchy is in place |
User Id | [User Id] | Unique ID of a user |
User Role | [User Role] | Role of the user |
User Name | [User Name] | Name of the user |
User Is Disabled | [User Is Disabled] | Flag indicating whether or not a user is disabled |
Smart Skills.
Refresh Frequency: Daily
logical_table_identifier: 069b4334-d566-4e70-ac05-301f3f274a72
Field Name | API Request Field Name | Description | Notes |
Team Id | [Team Id] | Unique ID of a team | VARCHAR |
Team Name | [Team Name] | Team name | VARCHAR |
User Id | [User Id] | Unique ID of a user | VARCHAR |
Job Title Id | [Job Title Id] | Unique ID of a job title | VARCHAR |
Job Title Name | [Job Title Name] | Job title name | VARCHAR |
Job Title Created At | [Job Title Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which a job title was created | Number representing Unix epoch time. Timezone is UTC |
Skill Profile Id | [Skill Profile Id] | Unique ID of a skill profile | VARCHAR |
Skill Profile Name | [Skill Profile Name] | Skill profile name | VARCHAR |
Skill Profile Created At | [Skill Profile Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which a skill profile was created | Number representing Unix epoch time. Timezone is UTC |
Skill Profile Required Level Id | [Skill Profile Required Level Id] | Required level of a skill profile for a particular skill | VARCHAR |
Skill Profile Required Level Position | [Skill Profile Required Level Position] | Numeric position of a skill level needed for a particular skill within a skill profile | INT |
Skill Id | [Skill Id] | Unique ID of a skill | VARCHAR |
Skill Name | [Skill Name] | Skill name | VARCHAR |
Skill Created At | [Skill Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which a skill was created | Number representing Unix epoch time. Timezone is UTC |
Skill Expiration Months | [Skill Expiration Months] | Number of months after which a skill expires | INT |
Learning Activity Id | [Learning Activity Id] | Unique ID of a learning activity | VARCHAR |
Learning Activity Title | [Learning Activity Title] | Title of a learning activity | VARCHAR |
Learning Activity Created At | [Learning Activity Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which a learning activity was created | Number representing Unix epoch time. Timezone is UTC |
User Skill Id | [User Skill Id] | Unique ID of a user skill, a skill tied to a particular user | VARCHAR |
User Skill Status | [User Skill Status] | Status of a user skill | VARCHAR |
User Skill Started At | [User Skill Started At].detailed | Timestamp at which a user skill was started | Number representing Unix epoch time. Timezone is UTC |
User Skill Approved At | [User Skill Approved At].detailed | Timestamp at which a user skill was approved | Number representing Unix epoch time. Timezone is UTC |
User Learning Activity Id | [User Learning Activity Id] | Unique ID of a user learning activity, a learning activity tied to a particular user | VARCHAR |
User Learning Activity Status | [User Learning Activity Status] | Status of a user learning activity | VARCHAR |
Assessed Skill Level Position | [Assessed Skill Level Position] | Numeric position of a skill level as assessed for a particular user skill | INT |
Assessment Notification Id | [Assessment Notification Id] | Unique ID of a notification sent to indicate an assessment | VARCHAR |
Assessment Notification Type | [Assessment Notification Type] | Type of assessmenet notification | VARCHAR |
Assessment Notification Created At | [Assessment Notification Created At].detailed | Timestamp at which an assessment notification was created | Number representing Unix epoch time. Timezone is UTC |