Dispatch type not showing up in your Operator Portal?
You're all ready to crank out a really great Dispatch!
"Hey, wait a second! Where's that Dispatch Type I'm looking for?"
In the Set-up > Dispatch Types screen, you can select whether or not you want specific dispatch types to be available for selection in the Operator Portal. Please note that the appropriate Administrative access is necessary to enable or disable these settings.
So, what are some reasons you may not want certain Dispatch Types available or even visible in the Operator Portal? In general, you want your associates to be able to quickly find and select the Dispatch Type they need, without scrolling through every possible option.
So, if a given Op Portal only serves assembly needs, you may not want 'Executive Washroom Audits' as a Dispatch Type.
Or if another Operator Portal serves the interior of a certain department, you may not want 'Landscaping' as a Dispatch Type option.
Conversely, you do want your associates to easily be able to find and select those Dispatch Types that pertain to their work area, processes on their line or cell, and Dispatch Types that are specifically tailored to "Operator" Fixes, Micro-Stoppages, etc.
You're all ready to crank out a really great Dispatch!
"Hey, wait a second! Where's that Dispatch Type I'm looking for?"
In the Set-up > Dispatch Types screen, you can select whether or not you want specific dispatch types to be available for selection in the Operator Portal. Please note that the appropriate Administrative access is necessary to enable or disable these settings.
So, what are some reasons you may not want certain Dispatch Types available or even visible in the Operator Portal? In general, you want your associates to be able to quickly find and select the Dispatch Type they need, without scrolling through every possible option.
So, if a given Op Portal only serves assembly needs, you may not want 'Executive Washroom Audits' as a Dispatch Type.
Or if another Operator Portal serves the interior of a certain department, you may not want 'Landscaping' as a Dispatch Type option.
Conversely, you do want your associates to easily be able to find and select those Dispatch Types that pertain to their work area, processes on their line or cell, and Dispatch Types that are specifically tailored to "Operator" Fixes, Micro-Stoppages, etc.