Action Codes are codes used during dispatch events to capture action (verb) performed. Action codes allow you to drill deeper into dispatch reports to see the specific actions that were necessary to complete and close dispatch events. Action codes are a pre-defined list generated by your site champion. If you don't see the appropriate code or would like to have more codes added, they can be easily added or removed by your site champion/administrator.
Example 1- "I replaced the belt on the drive." Action is Replaced
Example 2- "The track needed to be re-aligned" Action is Re-aligned
Quick Tip- You can find actions quicker by starting to type the action into the box. It will find all actions that match your entries as you are typing them in.
*If you are using the Dispatch Portal, L2L Insights will give you suggested fixes based on the Machine and Dispatch Type along with recent historical data. Simply click on Add Action to choose a fix.
- Go to the Setup Menu and click ‘Action Codes’
- Click ‘Add New’ located in the upper right corner on the “Action Codes” bar
- Enter new Action Code information
- Enter Action Code Description
- Check Default option for entire site if code will be available for all events across entire site. If code applies to specific event types and/or machine(s) leave unchecked and select applicable criteria below (Area, Line, Machine, Dispatch Type etc.
- Click ‘Save’