The L2L Document Center offers two approaches to the approval process: this allows designated personnel to Approve or Deny a Document Revision prior to it being published.
To get started, add the "APPROVER" role for designated users. This is done through the Security Settings under the Standard Work / Documents Module.
*Please note that you must be an Administrator to edit these and all security settings.
- You can create a Document Category and assign approvers to it.
- You can add Approvers directly to a Document on the Detail screen.
Document Categories Screen:
- After specifying APPROVERS under the Standard Work/Documents Module Security Settings, add 'APPROVERS' to Document Categories
- APPROVERS will be alerted via email when a Document is submitted for Publishing. They can then approve or deny a Document Revision.
- Document Categories without APPROVERS will continue to function as usual.
Document & Document Revision Screens:
1. Admins can add Approvers on the Document Detail page. The Approvers on the Document Detail Screen will override the Category level Approvers.
2. Admins can add approvers on the Document Revision Screen. This will also retain them on the Document as an Approver.
3. If the Document has Category approvers and document approvers are added, category approvers who have not already approved, will be removed. If they have approved, the Admin will have the option to leave them on as a document-level approver or remove them (wiping out their approval). If the Admin leaves them on as a document approver and the button for 'one approver required to publish' is checked, the document will be available to publish.