Email Notification Settings:
These notifications use a True, False dropdown to enable emails for significant events.
- Send a notification to the new owner of a Significant Event when routing rules are used. (True or False)
- Notify the owner if a Significant Event is canceled (True or False)
- Notify the owner if a Significant Event is completed (True or False)
Significant Event Settings:
- Launch a Significant Event when a Dispatch duration crosses the significant downtime threshold for the following Dispatch Types: Select from a dropdown of Dispatch Types.
- Allow Significant Event follow-ups to a Dispatch (True or False). **Note: This is required True in order for the system to automatically create a Significant Event. **
Launching Significant Events from Downtime Thresholds
Have you ever had a dispatch exceed your significant downtime threshold and you wondered where the Significant Event is that should have been created? If you are using the Problem-Solving Module and have selected the setting to Launch new Sig Events when a Dispatch duration crosses the significant downtime threshold for the following dispatch types, the Significant Event will not be created until after that originating dispatch is Completed. This is by design to ensure that the work on the previous Dispatch is completed done before launching that event.
Problem-Solving Security Settings:
- Manager: Can manage settings and categories.
- Administrator: Can manage settings and categories as well as permissions.