Scrap / Defect Categories allow for another layer of tracking Scrap or Defects.
For example, you had a Category called Missing Component, but what was the missing component? Now, you have a Scrap/Defect Category called Missing Component AND you can create Types such as 'Bolt Missing', 'Cover Missing', etc. To set up Scrap Categories:
- Go to Production > Defect Categories.
- Click Add New
- Enter a Code
- Enter a Name
- Ensure Active is checked.
Defect / Scrap Types allow defect data to be captured based on the specific problem with the piece within the pitch details. If defect types are not set up, scrap will only be tracked in a single bucket or group by default, and will now allow defect counts to be further dissected in Reports such as Defect Pareto. Defect Types are additionally classified as Rework, Reject, and Rerun; this describes what can be done to the part, if anything, to transition it from a bad product to a good product. To set up Defect Types:
- Go to the Production > Defect Types.
- Click "Add New" located in the upper right on the grey toolbar.
- Enter a Code
- Enter a Name
- Ensure Active is checked
- Classification:
- Reject: the part is not salvageable; defects with this classification can also be separately reported under the Reject % metric.
- Rework: can put in additional work into the part to make it good
- Rerun: run through the machine a second time; i.e. re-measuring a part. (no additional work done)
- Select the Lines that the Scrap Type will be used on. You can select all.
- Select "Save".
Note: Make sure Scrap Types are enabled for the lines you intend to use Scrap Types on. To do so, you'll go into the Setup > Lines and check Enable Collection of Scrap Numbers by Type. You'll also see you can add scrap types to the line from the line setup menu as well.